
Monday, July 21, 2008

More Alterations To Come

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed by me). Sheer blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Japanese department store. Shoes, Wild Diva. Wooden bangle, swap. Brass bangle, World Market.

Overdyeing this jacket was another of last weekend’s projects. It was originally an unflattering “oatmeal” color. I wanted to dye it with Dylon dye (like I do my jeans), but the color selection of that product is too narrow. Instead, I purchased Rit liquid dye and used the washing machine method. When I first removed the dyed and rinsed garment from the machine, I thought it was ruined. The color was horribly splotchy. Hoping for the best, I washed it with detergent and some dark towels. The final result is a lovely, even shade.

I think this skirt is up next for alteration. I am definitely shortening it, but also considering dying it a mustard yellow. The current shade is just too boring.

P.S. I thought this outfit was horribly frumpy, boring, and predictable. I guess a loss of brilliance is to be expected when I don't get to play "fashion show" on the weekend. (Not that I would have rather played fashion show than hung out with my buddy Karen in Cleveland!) It will make a good "before" shot, though, after I do alter the skirt.


  1. The jacket looks great. Great camel color. Will you (or have you) post(ed) a "how to" on overdying?

    I actually like the skirt that length so I will be interested to see how it looks when it is shortened. You'll probably make a believer out of me. :-)

  2. I had never thought of dyeing but as I have pledged not to buy any new clothes for a year it may give me a few more options.
    I love the blue with those colours although I agree I think it would suit you better a little shorter.

  3. love your shoe collection!

  4. Funny, I love the jacket and don't think you look at all frumpy.

  5. Love the blue accents!

  6. What!? "Frumpy, boring, and predictable"? I completely disagree. Maybe it would be boring had you gone with white or nude colored shoes, but I love it the way it is. I can see why you might want to shorten the skirt a *little* bit, but taking off too many inches would take away from the classiness of it.

    However, maybe the outfit would look different in person. You probably tried not to make the photo look too frumpy.

  7. Hi, I recently discovered your blog and love your style!

    I think the skirt is fine, I think it's the proportions of the entire outfit that are a little off. Try having your blouse untucked, I think having it tucked in cuts you off at the wrong point. Looking at the majority of your outfits, you generally have the mid-line a little below your waist and to me that works much better on you.

    Oh, and I agree that you could NEVER look frumpy!


  8. Hope you don't mind, but I left you an award at my blog. Just visit to pick it up. (If you want)

  9. i love love love the blouse!! forever 21 u say! cool.

    and thanks for the link to the dying post, I'll definitely experiment sometime

  10. leslie - see the How To....Overdye Denim in the sidebar. I did the post long ago, but forgot to add it to the sidebar!

  11. i agree with anjeanette..i love the blue accents too. and you don't look frumpy or boring to me. by the way, i think the length of the skirt looks ok on you.


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