
Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Vest and trousers, Forever 21. Blouse, Daytrip. Bag, Payless. Wrist cuff, Urban Outfitters. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Hair clip, made by me. Feathered earrings, Claire’s Boutique. Sunnies, Walgreen’s.

I just love the combination of carnelian and mustard, don’t you?


  1. you look so skinny! i mean, you ARE skinny, but you can really see it in this pic. i'll have to remember that pose!

  2. I was thinking the same thing - those pants are VERY flattering and I think I love them.

  3. Nice to see you in pants - and yes, you do look great in them. Love the colour combo.

  4. pants?? it a first? look great...i live in pants..need to wear more skirts like you.

  5. I am in general not a fan of the vest trend, but I love that one, especially with the blouse and bag. Very nice all the way around.

  6. yes, i love the color combination. it's so pretty for the eyes:)

  7. I seem to remember you liking Owl items, so when I saw this ring I thought of you:

    Promo code indie should give you 20% off too

  8. I really like this whole look on you--the colors mix great and it is oh so flattering!

  9. You know, in case I have never left his comment before, your daily posts cheer me up so much. After a day dodging five year olds I just love to see the surprise of what you will wear. You never disappoint. Your color/pattern mixing is extraordinary!

  10. Love the colors on this outfit and the clip you made is super cute!

  11. Love the outfits! Curious though, what is the difference between a vest and a waistcoat?

  12. "Vest" is the american term for the british "waistcoat." In england, a "vest" is a tank top. Funny, huh? And Poloneck (british) = Turtleneck (american). Just one of those cultural things.

  13. Maybe it's that I'm seriously craving a fall color palette, but this is one of my favorite looks of all time on you :)

  14. I just bought the same blouse in a royal blue colour. Thanks again for your style ideas. I'm not so daring with colour... but who knows!

  15. First time I read your blog- all of your looks are great- this is my fave on this page. I like all your yellow too!

  16. ahhhhhh that's SUPER cute! love love love it!!!!

  17. That vest is AMAZING!


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