
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Can't Help Matching

Leather jacket, Wilson’s. Swing cardi, Mossimo. Long sleeved tee, Forever 21. Cord mini, London Jean. Leggings, Danskin. Wedge loafers, American Eagle for Payless. Bag, Target.

Trying not to laugh at my ridiculousness.

I don’t intend to leave my house in such matchy ensembles. It’s just that I tend to be fairly loyal to the shades I love, and end up with a closet full of stuff that matches. I am so not cool.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM


    I love the color and style of that leather jacket. The whole outfit is tight!

  2. I love this outfit. And I have that bag, but in silver. Wish I had seen it in orange!!!

  3. I tend to gravitate towards the same colors, too. I think it's only natural. Except that whereas I see a lot of people gravitate towards rather dull colors, you and I seem to gravitate to colors with a bit more pop which no doubt makes them stand out more. So, I have a lot of matching pinks (in more than one shade), some matching purples, and some matching blues in shades like teal and turquoise.

    It's nice, though, to have those pieces which really tie together an outfit, and I don't think that they look too matchy matchy most of the time so long as there's enough of another color (or colors) in the mix.

    Yesterday, my shoes were a darker shade of the deep blue green in my blouse, which was then repeated in my earrings and even some eye shadow which I used like an eye liner. My pink bag was different, though, as was my black and white skirt. So, I think it wasn't too much.

    I really love your outfit in the second photo. It is a little matchy in the first -- but not ridiculously, so. Adding the jacket and bag do really help, though. And if you didn't have the jacket or bag, I think you could still get away with the outfit just fine by adding another accessory in very different color.

  4. I'm guessing here, but I think you got that sweater from Target, maybe last season? I didn't buy it then and have regretted it ever since. I've looked for it for a few months now, online, etc. and no luck. I love it so much but whenever you wear it I'm reminded what an idiot I am sometimes.

  5. psuedokim - yup, Target, last season. I think I bought it in Aug 07 or so. I remember having to wait FOREVER to wear it for the first time:

  6. Dang! I just checked to see if the cardigan was available. Love your blog!

  7. Au contraire! You are very cool in every outfit. Love checking in and getting away from the bad news everywhere else and having fun reading your blog.

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