
Monday, December 08, 2008


Jacket, Heart, Moon, Stars. Turtleneck, Merona. Dress, swapped, vintage, and shortened. Lace-up pumps, Isaac Mizrahi. Clutch, Apt 9.

Mod was a difficult way to start out the week. Unlike many of the other styles (e.g. “arty slick”), most people have a definite mental picture of “mod.” I do too…but I don’t own go-go boots or a zippered a-line minidress. My initial plan was to wear a turtleneck sweater and a red corduroy miniskirt, but the skirt proved far too butt-hugging for the office!

Mod Lucky Girl Erika Forster’s picture put me in mind of my own tie-neck vintage dress. I topped it with the mod essential, a turtleneck top, and a not quite perfect boxy jacket. According to Lucky, the “perfect boxy jacket” should “hang straight down your body in a clean, unbroken line to the hip.” My jacket has a bit more shape than that, but the print seemed era-appropriate. The completed look is more mod-inspired, than truly mod.

Perhaps a little mod-er without the jacket?

Inspiration from the book:

Erika Forster (the girl in the dress) is a singer and keyboardist in the band Au Revoir Simone. I love their music!

In the Lucky tradition, I’m going to nominate my own Mod Lucky (Blogger) Girl: Audi of Fashion for Nerds. She even has go-go boots! (And I suspect there’s a zippered a-line minidress lurking in her closet, too.)


  1. If I could, I'd live in black turtlenecks, a funky skirt, tall boots and silver jewelry every day of my life.
    I love this one and your hair has been inspiring me to grow out my bangs.

  2. It looks mod enough to me... but you're right, there is definitely that stereotype of the go go boots, and the bright boxy colors that go along with "mod"... but ya got to work with what ya got, right? :-)

    Great job! Look forward to the rest of the week!


  3. I like this look on you, of course you dress fabulously all the time. I think I dress mod more often than I thought and just didn't realize it because of those stereotypes you mentioned. Love the idea of this project and can't wait to see more. I think I may need to do this at some point too because I just love the idea too much!

  4. Im looking forward to the project this week.
    And yes, I agree with you, Audi has got the mod thing down!
    Nothing works better than black with black and a skirt/dress to punch it up.

  5. Lovely outfit!
    I love the jacket!

  6. Mod or not, I like it!

  7. Two thumbs up (both mine) on the outfit. I guess I need to get the book to understand what defines "Mod" style.

    My word verification is "profart". How funny is that?

  8. You're right, I DO own an A-line minidress, and now you've just given me the idea to wear it with a turtleneck! Love the mod look on you, by the way.

  9. I'd say without the jacket, it's a bit more mod. You do make turtlenecks look fashionable: I tend to associate turtlenecks with the jersey seasonal printed variety my mother sports.

  10. Wow, I can't wait to see all your looks! I like this one, tho I do think it's more mod w/o the jacket for some reason.

    And I too have my own vision of mod in my head -- it's my mom! She was of the era and mod was one of the looks she experimented with (guess I did to in a kid's version). She even had the obligatory go-go boots :)

  11. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I'm a fan of this book and I can't wait to see your take on the various looks!

    With this outfit I think you're off to a good start. I can't wait to be inspired. ;D

    Good luck!!

  12. I agree, it's much more mid without the jacket. V. cute!

  13. Yes! Another Au Revoir Simone fan!




  14. I particularly like this without the jacket, it captures the mod style very well , without looking like you trying to step out of the 60’s and into today.


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