
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LGTMAS: Posh Eclectic

Blazer and bracelets, Forever 21. Blouse, Charlotte Russe. Skirt, Jones New York Country (thrifted). Lace-up boots, George. Bag, Apt 9. Cameo earrings, thrifted. Cameo ring, gift from MIL. Feathered clip, 100 yen store.

My jewels

This blazer has always been a bit loose in the waist. I kept thinking to myself that I should stitch a pleat in the back to take up the excess. It turns out that pinching a pleat and pinning it in place with a brooch works just as well as sewing.

Oh, are you wondering what “Posh Eclectic” is? Me too. As far as I can tell, it’s a sort of gently deranged British gentlewoman look or as Lucky says: “a certain madcap glamour; made up of equal parts country-estate frump and the black-sheep aristocrat’s disregard for what’s acceptable.”

Inspiration from the book:

The Posh Eclectic Lucky Blogger Girl is Emily of Some Girls Wander By Mistake. I may not be able to explain Posh Eclectic, but I can recognize it.


  1. Based on the description, I think you nailed it.

  2. Just wanted to let you know that you are costing me money!! :o)
    I'm inspired (so I shop) and look forward to your blog each day!

  3. I really like your use of the brooch, cinch the blazer in the back. That is a fantastic idea!

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Wow, you may be wondering what Posh Eclectic is (I was too ;D) but I think you did a great job of modeling it! I can't wait for the rest.

  5. This is awesome! You look vibrant and healthy and chick.


  6. I love how you just bust out with these brilliant ideas - such as the brooch on the back of the jacket.

    I am learning a lot from you, girl.

  7. Love the brooch idea, and will be using it!

    Not sure if this is a workable style for me, but it sure works on you!

  8. Doesn't the brooch poke your back when you sit in a chair?

    (Love your blog btw)

  9. alpharetta2008 - the jacket is thick enough that I don't feel the lump of the brooch when I sit. But I must admit I sat very little on the day I wore this! I had a busy day.

  10. This is my favorite look. Probably has to do with my own 'gently deranged British' heritage :-) It also reminds me of the midi-skirts with boots look that was popular when I was in college. Just lovely!

  11. You've definitely got the posh eclectic look down. The top complements your coloring beautifully. I'm inspired!


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