
Sunday, February 08, 2009


Sweater, Wet Seal. Dress, Lani. Boots, Diba. Bag, Target. Amber pendant, Ali’s Boutique.

I ran 6 miles (training again for the Flying Pig half marathon again) and then walked over to Newport to see 1776. I’ve never had a desire to see or audition for this musical. History + almost all male cast = deadly dull, in my book. But my friend directed this production, so I loyally attended. It wasn’t so bad*. I liked the “depressing” songs best: “Mama Look Sharp” and “Molasses to Rum.”

On a lighter note…I had a surprise waiting for me when I tried to put my right boot on this morning. Half a mousie*** was jammed into the toe! That’s the kind of delightful surprise you get as a cat momma. Not so delightful: stepping in barf as you walk down the stairs in the dark, barefoot.

Once the mousie was removed, the boots proved to be extremely comfortable. I wore them to walk from downtown Cincinnati to the theater in Newport and back – a total of three miles.

*Please don’t take my lukewarm review to mean that the production wasn’t excellent. The play itself is just not my cup of tea**.

**I’ve been totally abusing the asterisks lately.

***Edited to add that it was a TOY mousie in the boot. That's the bright pink thing I'm holding in the first picture beneath the mouse story.


  1. Thumbs up for running 6 miles! Thumbs down on the mouse :(.

  2. I'm de-lurking today to say that your blog and your style are really pushing me out of my comfort zone when it comes to color combinations and pattern mixing. You are one fearless fashionista! I'm in Cincinnati too, and went to Pangaea this weekend while I was in Clifton to eat at Ambar India - cute store, thanks for the recommendation.

  3. i love this dress!!

    i gave ya an award too :) thanks for the inspiration

  4. I'm so glad you clarified that, because I really thought there was a dead mouse in your shoe!

  5. I really like that dress.

  6. I totally know what you mean about the cat barf...unfortunately.

  7. You look fab AND super comfy! Love it!
    Also, I too know the joys of the barefoot barf step...

  8. "Mama Look Sharp" is my favorite song from 1776. And although it's historical and slightly boring I LOVE 1776. I also love your bag!


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