
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Banana Who?

Blouse, Merona. Dress, Bitten (shortened). Boots, White Mountain. Charm necklace, thrifted. Watch, Raymond Weil.

Coat, Weatherbee (vintage). Bag, Target.

I’m wearing one of my banana clips in my hair today. I like the “horse mane” effect. The clips do require adjusting throughout the day, though.

And did you know that some people can’t taste the banana flavor? I learned this from one blogger’s firsthand experience with the inability to taste the chemical that gives bananas their particular flavor, but I’ll be damned if I can find that blog now!

Final banana comment: I made banana-blueberry bread this past weekend. Swoon.


  1. I read the same thing. Was it Daddy Likey?

  2. It wasn't Daddy was a blog with a much smaller readership. I think I found it as a referrer on my blogpatrol list.

  3. just remembered!

    a few post down

    You might of found her via my site? hrm.

  4. I love the look banana hair clips do for the hair! I did it that way for my high school grad (years ago...) and told the hairdresser that I want the look of the banana hair clip without the banana hairclip. She knew just what to do!

  5. hillary - that's it! I found her through my stats report, but I maybe she found me through your blog? Thank you for solving the mystery.

  6. I love this dress with the shirt underneath.

    I dislike bananas but I eat one every day (cut up in yoghurt) because they're good for me.

  7. I don't remember how I found your blog, but I am the blogger in question! Also, I have that dress and I haven't worn it yet because I can't seem to get it to look quite right on me...I'll have to try layering it like you did!

  8. Kelly - my dress looked horribly dowdy until I shortened it about 2.5 inches.

  9. Thank you for allowing me to plagiarize your outfits!! I did want to give you proper credit because you look cool and manage to pull off black/brown and look put together.

  10. The dress is great, the top reminds me on a corset and makes a great shape of your body.

  11. I love bananas and I love plaid. They [both] rock.

  12. I haven't posted before but I just adore reading your blog. I am in love with the vintage coat you are wearing.

    Mm... blueberry banana bread... I must go shopping for ingredients.

  13. As soon as I saw your hair I knew it was a banana clip -- love it!

    Also, that coat is FABULOUS!

  14. And you're wearing a banana-colored top. Sorry, couldn't resist adding a banana reference.

    The mane looks really pretty. I was never able to get those to work with my hair.

  15. I make a wicked sugar-free, whole wheat banana and mixed berry bread. While the next loaf is baking I'll have to find my old banana clips. They always looked so good on me, so I'm glad that some part of the 80s have returned.

  16. That dress is so cute, i love it, as well as the yellow blouse :)


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