
Friday, March 06, 2009

Spring Crazies

Jacket, Esley. Jeans, Express (overdyed by me). Pumps, Delicious. Earrings, H&M (via swap). Ring, Silpada.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here are the normal, boring poses:

We’ve got more than spring fever at our house. We’ve got spring CRAZIES. Further evidence (although Orangey is doing his best to look non-crazy and disinterested):


  1. You have totally just made my day! That last picture is absolutely magnificent and I'm debating right now whether or not I should print it and hang it on the wall of my office for whenever I need a smile.

  2. I love how kitties can act so nonchalant. I have an orange cat that tries his darndest to always look bored in my presence. He does seem like he can't help but admire those yellow shoes in that first picture though. Not that I can blame him-they're fantastic!

  3. Lol. You are such a character ;)

  4. Ha... I love how in the last picture, he's gazing off to the side as if to say, "I don't know know you!" FUN!

  5. And just what does your husband do while you're taking these pictures?

    a)Stand there and smile

    b)Stand there and shake his head

    c)hubby is long gone when these are snapped

  6. Great colors in this outfit!

  7. I like the last one. Orangey looks like he just can't watch anymore! How funny!

  8. ha ha ha!!! Love those poses so much! Like how you stepped it up a notch to keep us on our toes! CRAY-ZAY!

  9. we need some of that spring craze here in LA :)
    great pictures.

  10. You're hilarious. Love the magenta colour on you.

  11. Just wanted to say that you outfit today is "Ok" but I have to say that I really like you pictures today, because you look so cute and funny!

  12. Girl, your hair is killing me in the last picture. I cannot stop laughing. Love it.

  13. You pair colors so well! We hope you will submit something to our CFP!

  14. Really like the magenta and yellow combo. But more, I love how your cat just isn't acknowledging the Spring Crazies. Cats are such funny creatures.

  15. Hahaha!! Wonderful to see happiness in these recession-hit times! You GO girl!! (Oh and another great outfit!)

  16. Love these pics .. madness :D

  17. How cute are you and Orangey? Love that last photo!

    I couldn't believe it got up to the mid-70's today! There's a lovely breeze coming through the window as I type...

  18. I love the first picture with's like kitty language for "whatever Mom".

  19. Shelly - I'm afraid the answer is "c." If he's around, though, he just ignores me. I'm weird all the time, so this is just a big *yawn* for him.


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