
Thursday, April 09, 2009

First Day of Class

Sweater, Express. Tank, Mossimo. Skirt, vintage, thrifted, shortened, and embellished. Boots, Diba. Headband, Forever 21. Earrings, Pangaea. Jacket, American Eagle.

Today, I started my digital photography class. I have a Nikon D40 and I’ll be learning how to use the manual settings. So far, I've learned how to use the manual focus and that I’m simply too shortwaisted to wear this skirt. Leave a comment if you want it. It has a 27.5” waist and pockets. I’ll draw names if I have more than one taker.

I thought a meta picture was appropriate.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    me please! it looks lovely. i'll pay you a fair price for it, and it tickles me pink to think i'd have an item in my closet from you :)

  2. Cute skirt! Makes me want to break out my orange one!

  3. That look is Fan-Freakin'-Tasic!...especially since you're sporting some of my favorite fashion colors.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that the skirt isn't working for you. It does look great though!

  5. How exciting to be taking a photography class! I'm so jealous, and what a nice camera to have to do it with :)

  6. Being LOOOOOOONG Waisted i would Adore it! I see i am late on the commments though....the little balls are a looks lovely on you though! :) Liz from Savannah

  7. I'll give everyone a week to leave comments if they'd like the skirt. And I'm not selling it, just giving it away. :)

  8. I think the skirt is so cute! I would love to have it :)


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