
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Cheap Thrills

Sweater, Wet Seal. Dress, Mossimo (via swap). Necklace, Forever 21. Belt, thifted. Boots, Playhouse. Sunnies, Rampage.

My latest Forever 21 order arrived yesterday and I couldn’t wait to wear my new necklace. This was also an opportunity to wear the second belt I thrifted last weekend. (The first was yesterday’s seahorse clasp number.) This belt has tiny silver studs and wraps twice around the waist.

Once upon a time, I would have regarded this ensemble as very thrifty (under $50). The $20 challenge, though, puts it too shame. I’m really going to have to work to create an outfit within the limits.

Ah, see how much kinder the evening light is?


  1. Rarely have I seen green camo look so classy.

  2. Love the whole outfit, you look awesome! I love the sweater! and that necklace is a killer, gorgeous :)

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Coveting BOTH necklace and belt.

  4. I love the two thrifted belts, both this one and the sea horse one are great! Such good finds!

    And thanks again for sending us some pictures for our Pattern Mix CFP - you can see it today on our site!


  5. I was thinking about the $20 challenge all the way to work today (and its a 45 minute commute). What does $20 translate to in sterling?

  6. Jane - $20 US = 13.14 GBP. I don't know what 13 pounds buys one in Britain, so I'm not sure that limit is reasonable. What are your thoughts?

  7. Ack! I used to have almost that same belt from Old Navy! I wonder what happened to it? Yours works so well with the sweater!

  8. Kasmira- £13.14 is tight but I think it can be done.
    I have an ebay skirt for £2.00
    My daughter's sandals for £4.91
    A top for 99p
    A necklace for 1.00
    I will get to work this weekend.

  9. Love the necklace!

    The dress too!!

    & love it that you swap & thrift & look gorgeous!! :)

    $20 seems an interesting challenge!! :)
    I wish there were thrift shops or swaporamaramas where I live! :)


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