
Monday, June 22, 2009


Saddlebags, M-Wave Day Tripper Double Pannier.

This entry isn’t about what I wore, but my bike’s newest accessory: saddlebags! Because I’m carless, I make my shopping trips on the bus or my bike. I don’t mind biking with a backpack of goods when the temperatures are cool, but wearing a bag on my back is sweaty and uncomfortable when it’s hot out. I test drove my new bags with a shopping trip just after taking the photo. They performed well.

I readily admit that I drive like an old lady, but I ride my bike like a crazy mo fo. Seriously, I’m hell on two wheels. I feel even crazier without a backpack. I am pretty reckless when crossing driveways and intersections.

My friend Erin gave me these New Balance shoes. They are much spiffier than my usual athletic shoe. The rest of my outfit isn’t worth mentioning.


  1. Sweet saddlebags, eh! I make do with a file crate bungeed to my rear rack, but sometimes it is less than ideal. Regardless, using my bike to get around Philly makes me feel "badass." :-) I guess it's because it feels so right to be doing something so good for both myself and the planet, don't you think? And because sometimes it feels like you have to be slightly nuts to ride a bike in downtown Philly!

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    all i can think of now is the line from Ace Ventura, "Why don't you cry about it, saddlebags!"
    thanks to your post, im giggling the day away.

  3. I love New Balance. It's the only athletic shoe I wear. Enjoy them!

  4. Great saddlebags, perhaps you could customise them.

  5. Awesome! I love the way you describe things.

  6. WOW! Now you are blond! =] so pretty

  7. I should get paniers for my bike. I always feel like I am tilting dangerously when I come home with a back pack full Anne Rice novels from the library and new clothes from the thrift store.

  8. I like the saddlebags. I've been thinking about getting something like that. Do you know if they're water repellent? They definitely look like they could be. It tends to be rainy on my commute in the wintery months.

  9. @Shopaholic: customized saddlebags, what a fun idea! Lacking bike saddlebags myself, you've got me musing about how I could customize my helmet...

  10. I love seeing a fellow non-car person and your workout stuff! Brava!

    Great runners.

  11. i think workout stuff *should be mentioned! :)
    all-over cute outfit. love the trainers and the bike/saddlebags are awesome.

  12. Be careful!!! That's how I broke my arm!!

  13. So glad to see you getting around in an environmentally friendly way while being stylish!! Be careful for crazy drivers, though. I ride my bike a lot, too...but don't have saddlebags. I have a basket on one of my bikes, which is probably more for show than function.

  14. I love your sneakers! I think that women look so cute in sneakers!

    Just one thing...I would love to see some day a picture of you in those cute sneakers, dark hose, and a nice skirt. I think that you would look really cute and sexy. Just a thought! ;-)

  15. Anonymous4:56 PM

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