
Sunday, July 05, 2009


Dress, thrifted, vintage, and shortened. Vest, Julie’s Closet (seriously, that’s the brand name). Belt, thrifted. Sandals, Aerosoles. Bag, thrifted.

This is an excellent spinning dress. And you must check out the back of the vest.

I wore this to the zoo.


  1. cool photos! I especially enjoy the one of you in the giant turtle shell :)

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I love the zoo! Peacocks provide great inspiration for one of my favorite color combinations. Also, love your blog, I discovered it not long ago. The blonde hair looks GREAT.

  3. Nice zoo look, there is something a little bit safari about it, maybe the colours or the waistcoat...

  4. Did you get some funny looks when doing that tortoise shell photo? You look great!

  5. Beautiful outfit! I adore that vest - I've been on the hunt for something similar lately, but no luck yet.

  6. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Reminds me, I have to take my better half to the zoo... oh and I love your style, you need to help me out LOL.

  7. LOL at you in the shell :D

  8. Beautiful vest and love it belted! It was hard to tell if you are a distressed turtle in the pic or if you were eaten by one... imaginative either way!

  9. A goofy photo on here always brightens my day. Did you set the shot up with your camera resting on something, or did someone take it for you? I would be so impressed if it's the former, though still impressed if it's the latter.

  10. Stephanie N. - My friend took the photo for me.

  11. Love the dress!

  12. I looooove that dress! You'll have to let me borrow it sometime... -waggles eyebrows-

  13. I love you poses...very flirty!

  14. Cute outfit! I tried that vest on at Marshalls a few months ago and still regret not buying it. They have some with long sleeves now, but it's not the same.


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