
Monday, August 10, 2009

Julie and Julia

I saw Julie and Julia tonight. It’s a must see for bloggers. The Julie side of the story explores all those blogging themes you’re familiar with: the ease of blog creation, wondering if anyone is reading, the thrill of the first comment, the puzzlement of family over this “blog thing,” craving the approval of perfect strangers, the struggle to continue posting regularly, and the dream of a book deal.

Shirtdress and belt, Wet Seal. Sundress, Body Central. Flats, Nine West. Owl necklace, thrifted.

The owl pendant and his green green eyes.

Julia’s story is also wonderfully told and brilliantly portrayed by Meryl Streep. Julie and Julia have more in common than cooking. They share a perseverance that inspires writers and chefs alike.

Keep on blogging!


  1. Love the black and white over green- the simple shoes make this perfect! I think I will go see that movie just to sympathize with the blogging challenges.

  2. The pop of green from your underskirt is such a lovely surprise.

  3. looking foward to that film, although its not out here till mid september... boo.
    love that shirtdress and green combo. great! x

  4. I'm ok without the book deal :-) I like how you belted the plaid shirt/dress.

  5. Love the green underskirt - you always manage add a little extra an outfit.
    "Julie & Julia" hasn't arrived to cinemas in ireland yet - Just looked up the trailer online... can't wait to see it!!

  6. I just saw Julie & Julia this weekend. I agree that it's a good movie for bloggers to see.

    I love that buffalo check dress. I also like the way you've been wearing it with the pop of green and before with pink underneath!

  7. great look. I've been tempted to get a checked shirt or dress, but wasn't sure how I'd wear it and stand out. you've given me a great idea!

  8. Beautiful outfit!
    I loved Julie & Julia too, and I loved all the blog elements of it too. It's so fun to see blogs popping up in movies now.

  9. Anonymous2:43 PM

    You always dress so great to be honest this is not one of my favorites at all. I like both pieces but not together..

  10. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I felt the same way about Julie and Julia ... a perfect primer on how blogs begin!

    Love that little owl.

  11. You have incredible style! Do you ever use Kaboodle? If so, I'd love to friend you. I am "cyandron" on kaboodle.

  12. Cyan - I generally only check into Kaboodle when there's a contest. I'm "kasmira." I don't know how to initiate a friend request, though!

  13. I won't lie, I disagree with fashion1psychology but I dig the honesty!

  14. I'm working through my "craving the approval of perfect strangers" issues. :)

  15. LOL - I totally have those issues too...

    Thanks for the movie review :)
    I'm going to see it with my cousins this weekend!

  16. another winner of an outfit. i'll
    have to see julia and julie this
    weekend - your review made me
    want to see the movie - i did
    read julie's blog.

  17. I enjoyed Julie and Julia, but would have enjoyed it a lot more if it had been ALL Julia Child. Amy Adams was charming as Julie but Meryl Streep was FANTASTIC as Julia and her story's much more interesting.

    And I love your outfit.

  18. I love your blog, and I think you should get a book deal. I'd read the book, and I don't actually care that much about fashion.

  19. Ooh, I'm really looking forward to this movie when it comes out here.

  20. I just happened to cross your blog as I was looking for the pendant necklace that Amy Adams wears throughout Julie and Julia. Who knew I'd find a fellow Cincinnatian bloggess.

    Great outfits... and I love my D40 too :)

  21. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I see your blog.Your blog is very interesting . I like it. Really Julie and Julia is a very interesting movie... This is a comedy movie. I watch julie and julia movie last night. Awesome movie.......


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