
Sunday, August 16, 2009


There’s nothing like a nice, long browse at the thrift store. My favorite shop is the St Vincent de Paul on Colerain, near my house. Flipping through the racks and browsing the shelves puts me into a dreamy state. I like to imagine the lives of the people who owned these things. I also enjoy the challenge of contemplating how I could work something really odd into my own wardrobe. Finally, there is the thrill of finding something beautiful and unique, like this bag.

Dress, Charlotte Russe (free). Bag, Colini Handbags (thrifted). Earrings, Target. Sandals, Aerosoles. (And that’s a rapidly melting popsicle in my left hand.)

My bag, though, is not melting. It is ice cold.


  1. how did you get a free dress from charlotte russe?

  2. your title made me laugh as i melted today, myself. linen and a t-shirt were no match. i needed to go sleeveless. smart girl. bag is in great condition- good score! and i second m.v. there- how on earth did you get such a cute dress for nothing?

  3. You look gorgeous! The bag is very cool.

  4. Yes, shopping at the thrift store is comparable to a meditation session. Your new handbag is a real score. I enjoy your site!

  5. The dress was donated with bags of clothes to one of the theater groups I work with. I helped sort through the bags and the group gave me the dres.

  6. Great bag! Is it leather?

    I love thrift stores too - I can't get enough of the thrill of the hunt!

  7. Very pretty! This works beautifully with the blonde color. I can see **you** today!! :-)Congrats on this find!

  8. Shiela - it is leather. I can't stop feeling the buttery leather tassels. :)

  9. I love the bag! And the dress is one of my favorite among many of your dress collections ^__^


  10. oOo, a joli frock! and i love
    the bag.

  11. Gorgeous, as always. Those colors look stunning on you!

  12. Awww I LOVE this outfit! That dress is adorable, and I also really love the sandals. Gorgeous!!

  13. You outfit and your poses make you look like a 'Southern Lady'! :-)


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