
Thursday, September 10, 2009


Our last Romeo and Juliet rehearsal at the warehouse is Friday. While I’m excited to move to our performance space (and air conditioning), I’ll miss this location for outfit shoots.

Jacket, Urban Behavior (swapped and embellished). Dress, To the Max. Sandals, Gianni Bini. Bag, Tommy Hilfiger. Necklace, The Mustard Seed. Studded cuff, Hot Topic. Brighton-esque leather bracelet, swap. Sunnies, Girl Props.

The sleeves of this jacket are ruched with elastic and tend to creep up my shoulder. I added a metal button and tassel to weigh them down a bit. I love the swinging tassels so much that I think I’ll add two more to each sleeve, creating a fringe effect.

I risked life and limb to hang on the end of this ladder for a picture or two.

Ok, well, actually, I could reach the bottom of the ladder by simply standing beneath and raising my arms overhead. But let’s pretend I’m dangling over the edge of a dam or something. Like some sort of Bond girl in distress.

I suppose the cheesy grin ruins any attempt at a distressful expression.

But watch out, it’s high voltage over here:

…and I’m totally unconcerned.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The tassel detail is so clever!

  2. Don't care for the sleeve combo.

  3. You are hilarious! I like the tassel detail, but am not sure about the double sleeve thing. Don't get me wrong - you totally pull it off - but it's a lot of volume, and kind of reminds me of valances or curtain swags. Of course, that is totally appropriate for theatre rehearsals! :-P

    Good on you for always pushing the envelope - and you do look AMAZING in blue/navy!

  4. I love your bag....! I am a big bag junkie and almost all in my closet are large ones...! The colour of this one is simply adorable... Do you wear it with contrasting colours too? Like a Teal or Yellow dress?

  5. love, love, love your blog! i've been visiting for awhile and always enjoy what you put together. one question tho as i've been perusing your blog and others like it. i see alot of dresses. but in real life, i rarely see women wearing dresses unless its in certain industries. so my question for you is: is this an east coast/midwest thing? i'm in boise idaho, and grew up in seattle. are we just more laid back over here? and casual? would love to hear your thots on dressing and location.

  6. As always, your poses leave me smiling. I wish I was that brave.

    I really like the double sleeve, with the poufing volume. I think I might have to steaal this look too. Now, can I steal your shoes as well?

  7. Love the tassels!
    Very clever...I have always liked them but for some reason all my head could come up with were either earrings or necklaces..

  8. Woman in There - I usually pair it with something navy. Here are a few of the combos that involved some contrasting colors:

    PUYV: Navy and White "Medium"
    Poncho, Miniskirt, Boots
    Last Day

    gail - I'll have to administer a poll. I don't travel much, so I'm not aware of differences in how womeon dress in the West vs East/Midwest US.

  9. Since you have super secret clothing dyeing skills, I have a question for you. I dyed a skirt and it turned out blotchy. (have a look see at my blog) Is there anything I can do to fix it? (besides dying it black)

  10. I love all your new fun shots.

  11. love the scenery in your pics today... glad you didn't get electricuted, that would have been a sad end.
    Oh, and I love the outfit too!

  12. I will miss the location, too. I've been enjoying it. The texture and color of the rusting metal in that first shot is so gorgeous to me. Such beautiful decay. Wouldn't it make a lovely motif for a textile? I'd definitely wear a dress printed in that fashion.

    And I love the tassels idea. Very quirky, and great practical solution for weighting the layers.

  13. That is so amazingly gorgeous! I love the grungy setting, it contrast your rather feminine clothes so well!

  14. Loving it as always, especially the paring with the pale shoes. You can really jump.

  15. I like the double sleeves, especially taken in context - very Romeo and Juliet. And the tassels rock.

  16. I love the tassels! and I agree that a few more would have a great effect on the sleeves. I am still in awe at how well you mix and match colors and patterns. You're PRO.

    Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! You're right about taking a lot of pics... I usually take a few and then I feel like people are watching...and they end up being bad! Ugh! ;)

  17. Anonymous10:36 PM

    You are so cute!! I really like the unusual pairing in your outfit :)


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