
Friday, October 09, 2009

Lend Me

In an apparent bout of insanity, I bought a pink lamé tank dress from American Apparel. I wore it once to work and have been wracking my brains for other non-clubbing ways to wear it. My evenings more often consist of hot tea and kitties than bumping and grinding on the dance floor.

Sweater, Jolie Tricot. Dress, American Apparel. Jeans, Express (overdyed black by me). Pumps, Colin Stuart. Bag, Deux Lux. Necklace, Forever 21. Cuff, Mod Cloth.

I took a page out of my own book and wore my slinky dress over a pair of slim jeans, topped with a cardigan.

I guess I had tight shiny clothing on the brain after reading Style Bakery’s six ways to dress down a sequined skirt. I plan on trying a few of the strategies with my ridiculous dress.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    The lime green shoes is the icing to the cake so to speak. Love it!

  2. Wow, you have proven that even a tacky dress from American Apparel can be tastefully styled! I'm so impressed. I can't wait to see what else you do with it.

  3. Cute way to revamp the wearing of this dress! Love the shoes as well!

  4. I wore that necklace Friday! I've thought about removing the chains but decided against it. Love the way you worked it.

  5. Wow, I'm so glad I found this blog! Everything you wear just seems totally accessible and chic! I mean, you just made a shiny, tight dress look appropriate for coffee. Go figure. Thanks for all the inspiration

  6. I have just been catching up with your blog. Happy Blogversary.
    I love the necklace you are wearing today.
    Here's to the 4th year.
    Keep inspiring!

  7. Love this look. It is always great when you buy something that is intended for bumping and grinding and can actually be worn daily chic. Love the blog and congrats on 3 years!

  8. I love the dress-jeans combo. I was never a big fan until I realized I could still make use of too-short dresses that I loved but became too self-conscious about wearing on their own. Hurrah!

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I'm a big fan of layering and I can't resist anything that sparkles - therefore I have a great amount of what I guess would be considered "party-wear". So I love that you've shown how do "dress down" something that could look a bit tacky at work. But now it just looks fantastic! Inspiring!

  10. I think you should shorten it to a long tank top. But it does look cute the way your wearing it. Is it hot to wear? I feel like I would be sweating wearing that..

  11. Janni - it isn't hot at all, but, then again, there isn't much of it!

  12. I love how you styled this top! I would have such a hard time making it office ready as well, but you did a great job. The top looks fun under the cardigan!

  13. Hahahahahhahahhahaa.

    That dress always makes me laugh. This is a perfect way to wear it though! Every once in awhile you can just flash someone your sparkly club dress at the office. Liven things up a bit.

  14. I actually really love this outfit! And what a great cardigan.

  15. Love, Love, Love the lime shoes!


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