
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Star Spangled Studs

I bought a Bedazzler. I know you think Bedazzlers are totally passé, but studs are totally hot and a Bedazzler is the easiest way to apply them. Frankly, the Bedazzler looks and feels like a piece of junk, but it works well and can even be a bit addictive.

Jacket, Forever 21. Dress, vintage, thrifted, shortened, and BEDAZZLED. Tights, Hue. Shoes, Delicious. Bangles, Girl Props. Clutch, Apt 9. Coat (pictured below), Bebe.

I apologize for the blurriness of the photos. We were losing the light, it was starting to rain, the wind was gusting, and I was navigating rubble in four-inch heels. These photos were taken in Eden Park, on, what I affectionately call, the Road to Nowhere:

This dress was horribly dowdy in its original state.

I could tell, though, after adding a belt and pinning up the length, that it had potential.

Thrifted (or swapped) clothing is my favorite for experimentation – shortening, dyeing, and, now, bedazzling. Later this month, I’ll show you a pair of thrifted capris turned shorts and bedazzled with cone studs. Nothing is safe from the Bedazzler! I’m eyeing more studs (and a size 60 plunger for 1/2 inch studs) on Kit Kraft right now.


  1. If there's anyone who I feel should own a Bedazzler it's you - I know you will Bedazzle responsibly.
    The background for these pictures is awesome.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Good to know ... I've got a bag of studs languishing unused because I can't for the life of me figure out how to apply them without breaking my fingers.

    And DAMN, what a difference on that dress. The alterations are amazing!

  3. fabulous color scheme in this outfit! certainly takes any dreariness out of a gusty, drizzly day!

    great job altering the dress! i have a similar problem with a thrifted dress but minimal skill in correcting it. i need to call mom, methinks.

  4. Heeheehee- I used to own a beddazler when I was little.

    I think like anything else, it's all in how you use it! Big improvement on the dress- it suits you very well now!

  5. I laughed out loud at "BEDAZZLED" - it's so...snazzy!

    Love what you've done with the dress, great backdrop for your photos, and awesome colours!

  6. Oh I love the red, yellow, and black together! It looks so fun and chic!

  7. This is a phenomenal outfit--everything from the color combination to the style combination to of course...the bedazzled star. I love it. I may try to do my own version of continue to rock the fashion world!

  8. I love!! I may need a bedazzler, I love the studding detail!

  9. I've been wanting a bedazzler for a while, but I'm not totally convinced in my ability to make things look as chic!

  10. I need to go to the thrift store with you! I never would have seen the potential in that dress! And the bedazzling's cute. I continue to be inspired...

  11. ha! I added little studs to a purse last night and just posted it up on my page. I don't have the bedazzler - I have a gemagic and it totally feels like a cheap piece of plastic, but it gets the studs into fabric.

    Too fun!

  12. Wow! The dress looks totally different, and totally amazing. Well done you. ;)

  13. The dress looks amazing post alterations. You look great!I have an outfit with similar colors planned for thurs.

  14. You definitely have an eye for fashion because I wouldn't have given that original dress the time of day! Awesome job!! The bedazzling gives it a cute touch! As previous posters said, I cringed at the word "bedazzled" but in the right hands, its awesome!!

  15. I've never had a Bedazzler. If I had one, I'd be bedazzling everything in sight. Perhaps best I don't own one, then.

    I love the bedazzled star.

  16. love the yellow and red and i, for one, don't think bedazzling is passe. it's awesome.

  17. Anonymous7:25 PM

    ooohhh.... you are so inspiring! I love the bedazzling and the tights and toes!!!

  18. You did a great job with that dress!!!

    This is one of my favorite "photo collections" of you :) just a beautiful look.

  19. Oh, gosh! Just when I thought I had given up my desire for a Bedazzler, you go and ignite it again! Lovely job!

  20. You are my hero. Seriously.

  21. Hope you don't mind, but I borrowed the star pattern for a pair of shoes. They turned a super boring pair of shoes into something much more interesting!

    Thanks for the idea! I'm referencing you today when I post them.


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