
Thursday, October 15, 2009


I’m a (not so) secret geek. I grew up watching the original Star Trek episodes and I remember the excitement when the Next Generation series started. Of the old series, some of my favorite episodes were The Devil in the Dark (my sisters and I referred to the Horta as the “Pizza Monster”) and The Trouble with Tribbles. I received this fur pouf ring through a swap and it strongly resembles a mini-Tribble. I had better be careful not to feed it.

Jacket, Cami. Sweater, Merona. Belt, Target. Skirt, Mossimo. Tights, Hue. High-heeled oxfords, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Scarf, Cappel’s. Ring, swap. Hat (pictured below), Charlotte Russe.

I was actually named after a Star Trek character: Lt. Mira Romaine, from The Lights of Zetar episode. I suppose it doesn’t bode well that she was possessed by aliens.


  1. Yay Tribbles! I grew up a Trekkie as well...

    I love the oxfords - I might have to get something similar for my fall wardrobe this year.

  2. It's official: you just might be the coolest person in the world.

  3. Cute ring! :D ...and I'm loving the red and purple together!

  4. Cute ring. It does resemble a tribble!

    I love your purple and maroon colors with the pop a yellow!

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    So, do you just play with that ring all day long? I know I would ...

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I think we grew up in parallel homes. :P

  7. I adore this outfit. Totally funkity doodily. Translation: AWESOME. The colors are superb.

  8. The Trek connection makes you that much cooler.

    Great's almost all Target, yet it doesn't look it at all. :)

  9. That tribble episode was always the one that non-Trekkies liked best!

  10. Love the ring. I got a similar one for Christmas last year that my best friend bought on Etsy.

  11. What a fun fact about your name :)

    Love the shoes!

  12. Completely awesome that you're named after Star Trek. I'm also named after a TV character -- Audra Barkley from Big Valley.

  13. omg those shoes are gorgeous!!

  14. I love that picture of your ring, it's so atmospheric. I've never seen Star Trek but this "Tribble" intrigues me. I just might have to check it out...

  15. I love the outfit! I have been seeing a couple of girls around my school wearing this colour combination this week, and the first thing I thought of was that they read your blog.

  16. We called that the pizza monster too! I grew up watching the old series, and was a devoted NG fan.

    Love this outfit - the velvet blazer really pulls all the colours together beautifully. I think this is my favourite.

  17. Love those color tights! Looks great with those shoes and blazer.


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