
Friday, November 13, 2009

Feathered Hat

This time, I did wear the hat all day. Well, almost. I bought it at Sin City at lunch and sported it for the rest of the day at work.

Feathered hat, vintage from Sin City Antiques. Jacket, Forever 21. Dress, Japan. Blouse, Charlotte Russe. Tights, Target. Boots, Rampage. Chain and silver pen, vintage.

Not only did I wear a hat indoors, but I wore a jacket, too. It was cold in the office today.

It’s too bad the blouse was covered for most of the day because I really like its neckline and sleeves.


  1. Darling hat! I would love one just like it!


  2. I love the tights and boots!

  3. I think this is one of my favorite outfits you have worn!! except when you couple really bright colours together that I wouldn't have thought of!! very nice!!

  4. Lovely- amazing tights, how do you always find the best ones ever?
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. Love that hat! The tights are great - too bad you couldn't show off the whole outfit.

  6. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Ooh la la! I am dying to see a close up of that hat!


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