
Friday, December 25, 2009

Two by Two

Is two always better than one? I’m wearing two scarves, two dresses, and two pairs of tights. If not better, two is certainly more interesting.

Sweater dress, Japan. Missoni-esque dress, Lipstick. Black scarf, Cappel’s. Blue scarf, Thailand. Blue lace leggings, Forever 21. Black tights, Danskin. Boots, Rampage. Charm bracelet, Just 2 Friends. Brass bangle, World Market.

Two kittens is certainly better than one!

The last photo is taken with my new, little camera. Because two cameras is also better than one.

Hooray for Christmas!


  1. That is so awesome! I love the layered tights, so pretty!

  2. I'm not going to be impressed till you wear two pairs of boots at once. Get on that!

  3. WendyB - here you go....I wore two different boots a few years ago:

  4. love ur total outfit :)

  5. I love how all the layering comes together, instead of looking mish-mashed.

  6. love the layered tights, and OMGOSH those little fuzzballs are getting BIG!!!

  7. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I would also imagine 2 of everything is warmer :-). You've given me a great idea of layering coloured tights with some black lacy patterned tights I got for Christmas :-)

    love your blog - been reading for ages, but I don't often comment!

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  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I think you have 2 of the most adorable little kittens ever!!!


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