
Sunday, January 03, 2010


I had a bit of vacation to use up at the end of the year and spent two weeks at home. I had a few projects to complete, but I scheduled some fun, too. I planned to watch one movie for every day I was off. I did even better than that. I watched 18 movies in 16 days.

Burgundy cardigan, Bloch. Striped cardigan, Old Navy. Tank, Merona. Jeans, Dollhouse. Boots, Playhouse. Tie, Steinberg’s Clothing Inc (vintage).

I wore this to see movie number eighteen, Avatar.

Blurry kittens!

Movies watched over the past two weeks:
American Teen
Beauty and the Beast (1946)
The Cameraman
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Dirty Pretty Things
Ghost Busters
The House Bunny
Ma Vie en Rose
Sherlock Homes (2009)
Spite Marriage
Swimming Pool
Welcome to the Dollhouse

And the first two episodes of The Tudors, Season II. Now there are only 144 items in my Netflix Queue.


  1. Hey, somebody else who's seen the Cocteau version of Beauty and the Beast! Madness.

    (For some reason, I think this is my first time commenting on your blog even though I've been reading it for months. Hi, I also like your clothes! :))

  2. I loved Avatar, and I suppose I watched quite a few movies over my break too, but I wasn't a fan of Watchman and glad that's a distant memory. I am looking forward to Legion!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  3. I saw "Avatar" last night. *shrug* Pretty to look at, but by-the-numbers plot. I love "Watchmen" (I'm an avid graphic novel reader) and "Dirty Pretty Things".

  4. Ooh, I love the Tudors - and just finished watching season three in 2009. I'm waiting for season four to come out now :) Happy new year!

  5. Krull! Labyrinth! Two of my fave 1980's fantasy movies :)

    And I saw Sherlock, too. Had to strongly resist dressing up in a Victorian costume to watch it...

    I hope you had a nice vacation!

  6. I still need to rent The Tudors S2 - I loved Season 1 but haven't watched it since.

    I love how you used a necktie like a scarf, and I'm not sure whether I'm more impressed with the layering of your tops or the way the colors of the necktie complement the richly colored cardigan. Either way, it's fantastic!

  7. Welcome to the Dollhouse is one of my favorites! I too spent a lot of time these past two weeks watching movies and TV. I guess I had gotten sick of being in different incarnations of pjs because I kept getting up and creating inspired by TV outfits. Now I have a week of clothes inspired by Lilly in Season 1 of How I Met Your Mother laid out. I would love to see you do some movie inspired outfits- Watchmen would be good, or maybe Confessions of a Shopaholic.

  8. The porch makes a great back-drop. The white background makes the colors pop.

  9. I love this outfit.
    Welcome to the Dollhouse was one of the first movies I put into my Netflix queue and for some reason still haven't watched it even though I know I'll love it. The only movie I watched over two weeks of vacation was Jennifer's Body. Highly recommended only if you like campy horror and cringe-worthy dialogue (and I say that as a big fan of the movie's writer).

  10. Love the outfit.... ties always get me excited.
    OMG... you watched soo many movies, a lot of which I am also wanting to watch...!

  11. I love the combination of burgandy and yellow here.

    144 items in your queue! I'm lucky if I can get mine up to 50. For some reason, I always have trouble thinking of things to add.

  12. You look fabulous! I love using a men's tie like a scarf. It’ unexpected in a subtle way. I like to pop a necklace over too:

    Do Roy and Walt like playing with your accessories, Kasmira?

  13. Diana - I got a lot of great movie (and book) ideas from reading A Girl's Guide to Shoes. Also, whenever I see a movie at the store or hear someone talking about one that interests me, I type the name into my phone (as a "note")to reference the next time I'm on netflix.

    Angie - I have to keep the feathered accessories far far away from the kittens. The feathered headbands, hats, earrings, and necklaces have all been put up out of reach.

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What a great idea to add the tie! You look so adorable and I absolutely LOVE the color combo.


    P.S. The glitter shoes actually didn't shed that much at all. I was very surprised!

  15. Hi Kasmira!
    I like how the deep red colour works with the yellow. Actually I now realise that I own not a thing yellow !!!
    How do you cope with your hair? Is it a lot of effort to keep the colour like that?

  16. angie - it's definitely expensive to keep up this color. Which is why I'm going to make a change!

  17. I loved Sherlock Holmes, but I haven't made it to Avatar yet. Did you like Confessions of a Shopaholic? I haven't watched it yet because I didn't like the book.

    I have a style question for you - I have NO idea how to wear this massive cardigan. Any ideas?

  18. Thank you so much for the helpful advice! I was pretty much ready to never wear that sweater again. Thank you especially for the photo, that made me feel a lot better :o)

  19. I LOVE this combo. It's totally relaxed and yet looks so chic. The layering works so well and yet I feel like I would never have thought to layer in that way. The tie ties it all together :-) -Krissie

  20. I think this is my first time commenting on your blog even though I've been reading it for months. Hi, I also like your clothes! :

    Work from home India

  21. Anonymous1:19 AM

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