
Friday, February 19, 2010

Moon Pie

Erin Fancy Pants attended Mardi Gras in Mobile earlier this week and brought me some souvenirs. Among them were two Moon Pies – chocolate and orange. While Erin personally recommends Moon Pies for breakfast, I found them unbelievably vile.

Cardigan, Merona. Scarf, Old Navy. Tank, Julie’s Closet. Trouser jeans, Express. Booties, Steve Madden Girl. Chain and silver pencil pendant, vintage. Bag, Simply Vera.

Cincinnati, like New Orleans, is a Catholic town. On my first Fat Tuesday in Cinci, my boss brought a king cake into work. Other than the unsanitary and potentially dangerous practice of hiding a plastic “baby” in the cake, I enjoyed that Mardi Gras treat.

Since Reedie jinxed me, my color theme was noticed again today, at work: “You look like a king cake.” Well, that’s a hell of a lot better than looking like a Moon Pie.

Originally, I was going to call this post “Bourbon Street.” I even had a poem to go with the title:

Bourbon Street
Got no feet
Give me something good to eat
Not a Moon Pie
I’m not gonna lie
I’d rather have a Cadbury Crème Egg
In fact, that’s what I had for breakfast
Which is why this poem is so shitty

Well, that’s as far as I got with the poetry. These pants are so long and wide legged, it sometimes looks as if I have no feet. Proof that they are under there:


  1. Cuute this is my favorite outfit of the theme week. I think the reason this one got called out is because the purple, yellow and green are all right on next to each other.

    ..Moon Pies are extremely gross.

  2. moon pie = precursor to Oreos... got to write that cookie history tome some day.

  3. LOVE this outfit! Especially love the grey tank peeking out from underneath the cardigan.

  4. I L-O-V-E those shoes...L-O-V-E.

  5. I had to comment to tell you that I've been dying to have those ankle boots since I first saw you wear them. I tried to find them online, but with no success, so I figured it was a lost cause... then a few weeks ago at TJ Maxx, I stumbled upon a pair in my size! I wore them out for the first time a few nights ago, and got a ton of compliments!

  6. lmfao, Kasmira you crack me up! this outfit has inspired me! I have gray boots very similar to those and I love the gray with the purple, yellow, and green! =D Did you find the baby Jesus in the cake?! lol, that's always weirded me out too.

  7. Really enjoyed Mardi Gras week! Love today's purse too.

  8. Ho.Ly. Crap. This is the first time I've ever looked on a fashion blog and wanted every single thing the blogger was wearing. That purse must be mine. So must those jeans and shoes. Fabulousity.

  9. You continue to inspire me to think out of the fashion box. I'm SO conservative, but last night actually pondered the possibility of buying patterned tights. Getting there!

  10. Just. Died. Laughing. Seriously, your poem did me in! Bwahahaha!!!! Oh, and could you send me that purple purse of yours? You know my address...KTHXBAI ;) (okay, maybe not)

    In short, a rockin' good post!

    Erin, The Cheap Chick

  11. I love this outfit! I have been a bit dubious about trouser jeans but they look fabulous on you, so I think I will try them out.

  12. I'm craving a Moon Pie now - must be a Southern thing. :)

  13. This is my favorite Mardi Gras themed outfit so far, and I love your Joan pencil necklace.

    And that poem - too hilarious!

  14. (I'm a British ex-pat so I looove Cadbury's Creme Eggs! ;D)

  15. I LOOOOOVE that purse, but it looks more vintage than Simply Vera typically tends to be. Did you find it thrifting or get it recently???

    PS. I think you ROCK wide leg jeans!!

  16. Best outfit of the week.

    I am totally out of the loop. What the heck is a king cake? It has a baby in it?? Wha...?

  17. I'm with Sheila, this is my fave of the week.

    Also, FWIW you can get moon pies in Cincy. I've found them at UDF. I really didn't like them when I first ate one (probably because I was expecting it to be like a s'more) but I like them 100x better when they've been frozen or refrigerated.

  18. Becca - my pair is from TJ Maxx. I would have gladly told you where I found them! Aren't they comfy?

    Healthy and Homemade - I did NOT find the baby in my piece. Thank goodness. I think I would have felt sick afterwards.

    Londyn - the purse is a very recent purchase. (It was actually a gift.) I think it was available in other colors, too! Kohl's.

    Sheila - LOL. You'll have to check it out on Wikipedia. It's basically a coffee cake dusted with colored sugar. The baby Jesus is the really odd thing about it.

  19. Dang, I guess I really did jinx you! But at least you looked fab!

  20. Your poem is great, but you have to have feet on Bourbon Street. It's not uncommon to have someone "bet I can tell you where you got dem shoes." You take the offer and the tell you that you've "got dem on yo feet." (No lie!)

    Your blog is has inspired me to be more creative with my outfits...scarves are my new favorite accessory!

  21. I have that bag! And I love your outfit!!


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