
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Inside Out

I think I’ve become pretty adept at photographing my outfits indoors. But even with a nice camera and fake flowers, the photos never quite measure up to those taken out of doors.

Jacket, NY & Co. Dress and headband, Forever 21. Tights, Apostrophe. Booties, Madden Girl. Brooch, Burlington Coat Factory.

Below: Scarf, Target. Gloves, Walmart. Bag, Nicole Lee.

The outdoor photos were taken at Lytle Park at about 7:15 a.m. I’m cracking up at my own audacity. This isn’t NYC. People don’t model for pictures on the sidewalks in downtown Cincinnati. I’m sure the man behind me in the last photo thought I was a nutjob.

Indoor photo by me (Nikon D40). Outdoor photos by BM (Cannon Powershot SD780 IS).


  1. I actually think your indoor pictures are beautiful, creative and colorful ! You always have little details like wall color or certain accents that make them interesting.
    I'm glad I am not the only one who just feels like a crazy runaway mental patient when taking outdoor pictures...

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    i agree, outdoor photos are the best. your indoor ones are very cute though :) that colored wall is perfect to make your outfit stand out.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Too right - I am so glad to be doing shots outdoors again. And also that my neighborhood is super quiet. I get embarrassed when people cruise by!

    The teal, purple, and gray are dynamite together.

  4. Nothing beats outdoors - but sometimes, it's just gotta be inside. I too get totally embarassed if people even know I'm taking pics of myself. Have no idea how to even begin getting over that.

  5. the colors seem more accurate indoors.

    but nice scarf. did you see the last 'on the street' all about scarfs? hopefully, we'll be putting them away for another 9 months though!

  6. I think I prefer the indoor shots, actually. You do an amazing job.

  7. Lots of happy colors!

  8. Hey! Did I miss the news? Are you the Tofu Muchacha? Not that I care about bloggers' personal lives or anything.....

    I love this jacket on you. The color is great!

  9. Zeus' Mom - yes, I'm the Tofu Muchacha. You didn't miss anything. I just keep the personal stuff on the DL. It was time to start crediting the photos, though.

  10. Anonymous3:59 PM

    love these tights




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