
Saturday, April 17, 2010

99 cent dress

This striped dress cost me only 99 cents. It isn’t fancy, but it was great for tap class and cleaning the house. And, of course, it mixes nicely with my checkered tunic.

Jacket, Forever 21. Checkered tunic, Wet Seal. Striped dress, Zoey Beth (thrifted). Leggings, JW. Boots, Dan Post. Belt, thrifted. Sunglassses, Girl Props.

This is the same tunic I wore over a hibiscus print dress two weeks ago. That outfit made the NY Times prints mixing slideshow!

(Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk is also in the NY Times slideshow. And she's wearing a very similar checkered tunic.)

(Thanks to ...bill for telling me about the NYT call for photo submissions!)


  1. Hey, thanks for dropping a line to me. Glad to 'see' you again!

  2. Love the pattern mixing.

  3. I love that stripey dress! What a great deal.

  4. I would have never thought to put the stiped dress with the checkered tunic. SO cute & creative! love it! :)

  5. I love the 99 cent dress, I hope we get to see it alone at some point!

  6. Please can we see the 99 cent dress from the front? Also, whilst I remember, did you buy those brown jersey boots you have (with the buckle thing at the back) online? I used to have them in black (bought them from ASOS about 2 years ago) and they have now died, I want to replace them but can't find them anywhere in the UK :(

  7. lindyloo:

    Here is the 99 cent dress from the front:

    I bought my boots from (if I remember correctly!) Good luck finding another pair...maybe a cobbler could fix your pair up for you?


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