
Friday, April 30, 2010

April Purchases

April started merrily enough. I went thrifting and I bought some things online. Then, on April 9th, I finally had my taxes done and discovered that I owed the IRS 20 months worth of clothing budget. I promptly stopped shopping. Here’s what I bought before I had to subsist on rice and ramen for the rest of the month:

St Vincent de Paul:
1. Perforated leather oxfords, $2.00
2. Striped dress, 99¢
3. Sweatshirt, 99¢

(The dress and sweatshirt were in the kids section and everything there was 99¢.)

4. Grandpa vest, $1.99
5. Belt, $1

6. Floral tights, $9.95

7. Black and gray zebra scarf, $5.99

8. Pettipants, 6 x $7.99 = $47.94

If you aren’t familiar with pettipants, they are like a cross between underwear and a slip. My order arrived mid-month and I'm a convert to, what I now call, "lady boxers." I bought the 4 inch inseam model (the shortest available), because many of my skirts are on the short side. Love 'em!

Finally, Hillary of The Gleam of Rose Tea sold a few of her things in late April and I bought a pair of shoes:

9. Multicolored wedges, $10

Total was $80.85. There’s nothing like a good ol’ punch in the face from the government to help one stay within budget!

(By the way, think I wore my new cowboy boots enough? I'm determined to get my $200 worth of wearing.)


  1. LOve the petti-pants! Maybe I'll retire my Hub's tighty-whitey's for some of these! I am having a give-away, and am giving an owl tote bag away. Stop by if you'd like to be entered. Since you inspired me to start blogging(sorry,again!;) I knew the owl tote had to go in!

  2. Ooh, I like the petti-pants! I might have to find some of those.

  3. It pains me greatly to hear of a government-imposed shopping ban. Kind of makes me want to slap an IRS agent.

  4. hey i like the pettipants idea, i've been using yoga spanx under my summer dress.. but i have to ask... really - you thought you needed 6 pair? :)

  5. DaShannon - I wear skirts almost every day. In fact - I wanted a nude pair tonight, but all I had left in my drawer were black. (I bought 3 black and 3 nude.) Boo!

  6. My fave was the new pair of tights!
    But i can't stop saying pettipants...pettipants...


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