
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Dress Swap

I just swapped for this dress with a member of Wardrobe Swap Shop, cheeselaine. I sent her a sweater dress I’d never worn. When I opened her package, I had to laugh at myself. My new dress is remarkably similar to one I just swapped to tooblonde. (She sent me a giraffe-print cardigan in exchange.) What goes around, comes around, huh?

Old dress and new dress. (And the old dress was from a swap, too!)

Jacket, London Jean. Dress, Delia*s (swap). Cami, NY & Co. Heels, Gianni Bini (hand-me down from Londyn). Earrings, Target. Bag, Vieta.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. But that style works so the more the merrier, love the orange pop with that print.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  2. I do like that black and white print one a tiny bit better! It suits your hair!


  3. I much prefer the new one and it goes great with your green jacket.

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Love it all with the orange heels. It makes me want to buy orange heels. :)

  5. I love the new dress! It looks fantastic on you. I'm a sucker for black and white prints.

  6. hi Kasmira,
    I was wondering what will you do with your hair. It's a high maintenance color and maybe you let it go off.My hair was like yours a year ago and Ilet it come back to my true colour and then had highlights in white blond. Works better for me.
    take care ,kellyroy68

  7. The new one seems prettier IMHO but the fact that two of the similar dresses caught your eye means it was meant to be!

  8. Could you tell me a bit about wardrobe swap shop? I have tons of clothes and would love to swap some or just give them away. Thanks!

  9. RETRO REVA - here you go:


  10. The black and white..... how dare she get rid of such a pretty dress ;) ???


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