
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jangly Bits

Sal* published a piece today about “being seen” and standing out because of one’s style choices. Today, I’m afraid I was not only seen, but heard. I jangled up and down the halls.

Blouse, J Crew. Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Tights, Apostrophe. Shoes, Gianni Bin. Bag, Simply Vera. Belt (worn as a necklace), thrifted. Belt (worn as a belt), The Limited (thrifted).


  1. you look adorable! love the skirt

  2. I love that skirt! Haven't seen it in a while; glad it's back!

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I have those days, too! I swish or clink through the hallways and feel so conspicuous.

    Love the dual belts in this look.

  4. I adore this outfit! the skirt print and the shoes are my favourite parts :) I like to wear a lot of jewellery, so sometimes I jangle too...

  5. This is so pretty! loving the janglies...this outfit looks so sophisticated!

  6. i wanted to mention that in your blog recommendations you might want to add "". she's one of my favorites. i'm a stylist from los angeles in cincinnati visiting my mother and she told me about your site, that it was advertised frequently in the paper and that i should check it out. what you're doing is quite an undertaking. congrats. you should also check out "". kind of similar to what you're doing but in a very different way....


  7. You look so festive! Such a pretty skirt. I also love that you clarified that it was a belt, worn as a belt. :)

  8. I hope you don't work in a library! Because it would be hard to justifying "shushing" other people ;-)

  9. not only does my jewelry jangle, but i wear my keys and ID badge on a lanyard around my neck (i'm a teacher). every one knows where i am at all times! it's like i have a bell around my neck!

  10. Loooove this skirt!

  11. I love this outfit. You are rocking these tights like nobody's business! I have that bag and this makes me realize that i need to use it more often!


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