
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"To Go" Drawer

It makes no sense to keep my lipstick with the rest of my makeup. I don’t usually put it on until I’m leaving the house. I also like to be sure that the day's lipcolor makes its way into my purse or pocket, for touchups later. Keeping my collection by the front door, in my “to go" drawer, works best for my lifestyle.

I keep lipcolor, sunglasses, gum, lipbalm, compact mirrors, travel-size lotion, and oral hygiene gear in a single drawer. The lipcolor is segregated into pinks and reds. This system makes it simple for me to grab what I need as I leave the house.

Cat included for scale only, of course.

When I’m home for the day, or just emptying all the week’s accumulated purses, I replace the items in the drawer. I rarely lose my favorite lipstick, anymore.

Where do you store your lipcolor?

Related posts: Purse Transition


  1. interesting... my "usual" lip stick is in my make up bag, in my work bag... it goes with me in the morning when I am getting dressed. There are a few alternate lip sticks in the bathroom and a stockpile in a big plastic storage container. There is an emergency lip stick in my wallet, in case something gets lost on the way out the door. There's an spf chap stick in the car...

  2. Totally great idea- I have far too much in the bathroom and it doesn't make it into my purse when I need it to.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  3. You are so organized, Kasmira! This is a great idea though, and I think I might emulate it....


  4. Just a brilliant idea! I just started reading your blog and continually say to myself, "She is just so clever!" I hope you don't mind if I use some your widsom -"Imitaition is the best form o flattery."

  5. This is a great idea! Of course, I only wear one of two or three lipsticks, and I have a Pouchee for mints, pens, tissues, blotting papers, and lipsticks (anything small and easy to lose or potentially messy if it opens in my bag) so I just keep a couple of my favorites in my Pouchee and then transfer it from bag to bag.

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I don't usually put lip color on until I get to work and then sometimes require a touch up after lunch. Most of my purses have that cell-phone pocket and then that extra pocket. My lip color on gum go in the extra pocket. Or I have a little Kipling makeup bag that I carry around occasionally.

  7. I keep the lipsticks and glosses that are in favour at the moment on a shelf in the bathroom (because brushing my teeth is the last thing I do before I go out). The not-in-favour ones are in a gift box in the bedroom with my jewelry - every so often, I dump all the bathroom ones into the box so that I have to rummage through and find "new" colours.

  8. LOL @ "cat included for scale"!

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    What a fantastic idea. I've never thought to try keeping those items in a "to go" drawer. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I just realized i have NO drawers in my living room...
    I keep mine in a drawer under my sink, after looking at everyone's lipstick stash I have to say a very very few.

  11. I seem to store mine in the bottom of random purses, the pockets of jeans, and even a few in the pockets of Rand's pants. Hardly any of them are where I can find them. The other day I literally had one option for lip color in my make-up bag. It's quite sad.

  12. I have one drawer in my living room, and that is the "dog" drawer, with the leashes, some treats, muzzle, other things. This is a great idea though! If I wore more lip color than just Chapstick or gloss, I would def think about this!

  13. In my purse in a make up bag. I don't put lipstick on until I get to where I'm going.

  14. Very clever! I usually just wear gloss, but I keep one in my bathroom (with my make up), one in my purse and one in my car.


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