
Monday, April 12, 2010

Treehouse of Terror

Yes, Beefy told me that it is actually “The Treehouse of Horror,” but my version has alliteration.

Jacket, Dex (swap). Owl brooch, swap. Vest, Julie’s Closet. Dress, Mossimo (swap). Boots, Dan Post. Necklace, Forever 21. Belt, thrifted.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I hope this doesn't' seem weird but you just exude happiness in the photos he takes of you.

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Such marvelous layers of neutral tones.

  3. Can I ask where this is? Is it the treehouse in Mt. Airy?

  4. Kelly - yes, this is the treehouse in Mt Airy.

  5. Thanks! If you can believe it I've never seen it in real life, despite not living too far away. I keep meaning to go and never make it, but your pictures make me want to!

  6. oh the color scheme here is super... the outfit, the wood, trees, leaves.... everything matches!

  7. What a lovely location! You look so happy in your photos :)

  8. Love that last picture of you laughing, and all the muted tones in these photographs. You two see so happy!


  9. hi, loved the pictures.beautiful. loved your clothes, just dont like that jacket that much...

  10. lovely photo. BTW, I just discovered your blog a few days ago and am in total awe. I'm having fun browsing through all your archives. What is so great is that after browsing for a while, I realized that you don't actually have infinite clothes (as it seemed at first, lol!) but you are SO good at finding new ways to wear the same pieces that it seems like you do. You've really inspired me to try to look at my closet in different ways and not just wear the same old combinations!

  11. Wow, I want to live in that tree house!

    You look great, Kasmira - wonderful mix of textures and neutrals.

  12. Are you a Westsider or just visiting here more often these days?
    Love Mt Airy, need to go for a walk there soon.

  13. Emily - I live in College Hill...right up the road from Mt Airy.

  14. I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of this outfit. :o( I think it has no shape and kinda makes you look frumpy. I love your outfits, but not a fan of this one.

    The location is beautiful and looks so serene.

  15. Didn't your mama tell you if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all?

  16. I think this outfit needs a better bra is all. Pic 1 does not look as good as the others, and I think that's why.

  17. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I have to say that you ALWAYS make me look at clothes and my wardrobe differently and you and Hillary have seriously made this frumpy mama a MUCH better dresser. Those boots are TDF.

  18. I love that you wear your cowboy boots so much. I bought a good pair while in Texas a few months ago and struggle with how to make them part of my everyday wear without looking costumy, especially with the weather warming up. Thanks for the inspiration!


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