
Wednesday, May 05, 2010


I’m not sure what possessed me to pair the skirt I can’t walk in with the jacket I can’t move my arms in. I’m a prisoner in my own clothing. When I move, my jewelry jangles and it even sounds like I’m wearing shackles.

Jacket, Heart Moon Stars. Blouse, Worthington. Skirt, Moda International. Booties, Sigerson Morrison for Target. Bangles, Deb. Leaves necklace, Forever 21. Chain and charm, vintage.


  1. Super cute outfit. I really love the jacket, blouse, jewelry combination.
    Sorry it's so uncomfortable.

    I find it hard to create outfits that are both great looking and comfortable.

  2. That jacket is really cute. Too bad it's so confining!

  3. I'm sure you've heard it a million times ... but being blonde certainly has added a serious dash of 'va va vooooom' to you ... you're just so gorgeous blonde! And no, I'm not hitting on you ;-)
    But, you rock!

  4. i love the color of that blouse (red? coral?) with those blue booties!

  5. Love your pop of color with the bag and shoes!

  6. I am loving that jacket!

  7. The pops of green from the bag and blue from the shoes are awesome!

    Also, I gave you a little shout out on my outfit post yesterday :-)

  8. I'll tell you what possessed you.. the fact that both of those items are gaaaawgeous. I love the unexpected color combo the shoes bring in, too. :)

  9. that sucks! it looks great though! lovely boots!

  10. Awesome colour mix!! love the booties!

  11. I love the way you are willing to dress outside of the norm!!!
    Love the way you mix and match prints,colors and textures. I do the "non" professional version. It's so refreshing to see you NOT a slave to trends and wear what makes you feel and look great !

  12. You know what they say darling...Fashion over function! Love your boldness.

  13. Shame about the arms; this is a cute jacket.

  14. Anonymous5:43 AM

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  15. I'm not loving the bag or shoes -- maybe I'm too old? -- but the outfit is gorgeous. Its really too bad the fit isn't right.

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I love the jacket and shoes! You could easily wear those with a t-shirt and jeans as well. Great style!


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