
Saturday, June 05, 2010

Loveland Castle

Beefy and I had some time to kill in Loveland today, so we headed to the Loveland Castle.

It had closed a few minutes before, but I trespassed just a little to get a few shots on the stairs.

Dress and earrings, No Boundaries. Belt, thrifted. Bag, Coldwater Creek (embellished by me). Boots, Dan Post.

Since Beefy and I started seeking out fun photo locations, we’ve really begun to appreciate Cincinnati. We seem to have hit upon a fun way to explore the city. Even Beefy, who’s lived here his whole life, is discovering new places. If you’re local, and not quite up to photographing yourself in random spots, check out Cincinnati Re-adventure to “rediscover” your home.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

What Cincinnati-area location do you suggest we visit next?


  1. I'd love to see a shot inside a Skyline Chili Parlour. I miss those places... and the chili... and now I'm hungry!

    Or maybe King's Island? Is that still around? I haven't been to the Cincinnati area in about 15 years!

    The Cheap Chick

  2. how fun!! I love your dress, now I want one lol

  3. Kasmira!! You didn't have to link to our blog... thank you so much!

    Can't wait for our co-blogging adventure, whenever we both can carve out a night...

  4. you should check out

    lots of ideas for places to go.

    what about spring grove? or different neighborhood business districts, like ludlow ave, hyde park square, mt. lookout square, mt. adams, etc.

  5. Well I don't know Cincinnati- but these photos are making me want to visit.

  6. As if inspiring me with clothes weren't enough, I've now also started to explore my city and take pictures of it - put simply, you just continue to rock my socks off.
    Also, that comment above me made me laugh - I just figured if one didn't have any ideas for you, *not* commenting would kind of convey the same idea. Haha!

  7. How about the Observatory?

  8. I had noticed that you've had some great locations lately. Rand and I started geocaching a few years ago and our favorite thing about it is that you get to discover all these hidden parks and fun spots that you never would have found on your own. Have fun with Beefy! We'll enjoy the fruits of your exploratory labor.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Your dress is so cute!


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