
Monday, June 14, 2010

Win Tickets to Red, Pink and Blue

Are you a Cincinnati-area fashionista interested in schmoozing and strutting at Red, Pink and Blue? Even better, would you like to do so for free?

Send in a photo of your red, pink, and blue outfit to be published on WhatIWore2Day. Your outfits will be put to a community vote and three winners will receive a pair of tickets to the charitable and fashionable event from CincyChic. The deadline for submissions is noon, Friday, 6/18. Winners will be announced by Sunday night.

Photos should be sent to whatiwore2dayblog at gmail dot com. Be sure to include your name and a link to your website (if applicable).


  1. How fun!!! I'm thinking of outfits already....

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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