
Monday, July 05, 2010

Miss Lincoln

Beefy and I spent the weekend in Nashville. On the way home, I asked if he’d be up for an “adventure.” He agreed and we visited Lincoln’s birthplace.

Blouse, Mushka by Sienna Rose. Skirt, American Eagle (overdyed – see the original color here). Sandals, Aerosoles. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration. Sunnies, Deb. Bag, Purdy.

After gawking at the mausoleum*, we walked down to this spring and talked to the guide stationed there. According to him, Lincoln’s birth cabin burned down when he was young and no one is quite sure where it was located on the property. I asked what was inside the mausoleum**, but I don’t remember what the guide said because I was distracted by this spring and cave. I’m a cave freak. I was busy imagining cave adventures instead of listening to the lesson, but I’ll bet Beefy paid attention.

The mausoleum was closed (as evidenced by the orange fence in the background), so I couldn’t see the inside for myself. Instead I trespassed onto a rental cabin and pretended it was Lincoln’s birthplace.

Photos mostly by Beefy Muchacho

*I was disappointed that it wasn't a replica of the Lincoln memorial. I had fantasies about having my picture taken in Lincoln's lap.

**This building is properly called the Memorial Building and it contains a replica of Lincoln's birth home, according to the NPS site.


  1. The "Mausoleum" contains a log cabin that was, for years, thought to be the actual log cabin Lincoln was born in, but turned out to be way too young (when those scientists did their wacky sciencey witchery). So now they just call it the "Symbolic Cabin" or somesuch.

  2. That is a great bag!

    You and Beefy always seem to find interesting spots for photo shoots.

  3. I love that top! I love redheads in lavender/purple... had to convince my MIL of that!


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