
Friday, August 06, 2010

Do Over

When it comes to dressing, every day is a do-over. If you don’t like how an outfit turns out the first time you wear it, you can try, try again.

Vest, Old Navy (swap). Dress, Giorgio Fiorlani (thrifted). Shoes, Mossimo. Necklace, vintage.

I attempted to emulate a Lucky look with this dress over two years ago. I wasn’t totally satisfied with the result because my vest wasn’t quite “shrunken” enough. I did it over today, with the vest I scored from the Sweat Swap.

I like second chances. I think that’s why thrifted, swapped, and vintage clothing holds such appeal. This dress, vest, and owl pendant were all preowned. If I don’t wear them until they fall apart, I’ll pass them on to someone else.

I’ve been obsessed with post-apocalyptic fiction since I read The Girl Who Owned a City in 6th grade. If we had the chance to do it all over, what would the world be like?


  1. This do-over turned out fantastic! I love that dress.

  2. Have you read "World War Z" by Max Brooks? I think you would like it - it's a fictionalized social history after the Zombie War, from all kinds of people who "experienced" different aspects of a world-wide spread of a disease (that caused people to become zombies). It's really good.

  3. Sheila - the zombie apocalypse is my favorite sort of apocalypse. I read World War Z and loved it. One of my recent zombie faves was The Forest of Hands and Teeth.

  4. Did I tell you that I either lost or gave away those shoes? Remember we both had them and I loved them, but now I can't find them!! :(


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