
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hawaiian Shirt Dare

This outfit has been brewing for a year. Last August, Kristin O’Reilly dared us to find a stylish way to wear a Hawaiian shirt. I was intrigued, but missing the shirt. I was elated when I discovered the perfect luau shirt in TDW’s costume stash a few weeks ago.

Shirt, Wayne Rogers. Dress, Body Central. Sandals, Mossimo. Bag, Vintage.

As Beefy might say, this look isn’t “my favorite,” but it really isn’t half bad. How do you wear Hawaiian shirts?

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. LOVE the feel of this outfit...really great, vibrant look awesome!!!

  2. What a great way to pull that shirt off!

    When my grandfather passed away a few years ago and we had his memorial service outside, we decided we'd all wear hawaiian shirts in his honor because he wore them all the time. I wore mine tied like yours with khaki shorts. It was cute. :) But now I wish I'd had a skirt like that!

  3. I think you actually got away with it...
    I do not have a Hawaiian shirt... but if I did I would take a cruise in the Caribbean and wear it.

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I often think of Homer Simpson's view of Hawaiian shirts. "There's only two kinds of guys who wear Hawaiian shirts: gay guys and big fat party animals." I always laugh to myself about this quote when I see people who appear to be neither wearing Hawaiian shirts.

  5. How fun! I tend to wear mine (well, hubby's) over a tank and jeans, just unbuttoned, but I don't think it looks as cute as your outfit!

  6. Adorable! The colors of that are incredibly intense.

  7. I used to have my dad's Hawaiian shirt - I wore it in the summer when I was either sunburnt or just feeling sloppy. I have definite memories of writing my last grade 12 exam in his shirt.

    I don't think I would wear them now...but I'm intrigued. I see a lot of them while out thrifting.

  8. I had a really boring tan skirt suit and I would wear a Hawaiian shirt with colors similar to your underneath to liven it up, i think it worked, the lime green tights I wore with it, not so much....


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