
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Not His Favorite

This is the skirt that Beefy doesn’t like. He also wasn’t a fan of the two layers of lace plus the doily necklace. But he never tells me outright that he doesn’t like an outfit. He just (diplomatically) says, “It’s not my favorite.”

Cardigan, Rodarte for Target. Tank, George. Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Necklace, self-made. Shoes, Nine West.

Given that Beefy uses the term “favorite” quite liberally, I know that “it’s not my favorite” is more of a censure than it sounds. So I tartly respond with, “Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have to wear it.” And then we both dissolve into laughter because the image of Beefy wearing my clothing is so ridiculous. A man in drag* is my favorite.

*Seriously, there is nothing funnier than a man in women’s clothing. Except maybe fart jokes.


  1. Hi K,
    We T-Girls love your blog and love our clothing and accessories. Keep up the good work !

  2. At least he'll tell you when something isn't his favorite. I'm not sure my husband cares either way as long as I'm dressed!

    Fart jokes - you'd think we'd all grow up and they wouldn't be funny anymore, but no, they really are always funny!

  3. My husband is always honest with me about his thoughts on my outfits - I try not to be defensive when he says, "Nah, doesn't work for me." I'm the one wearing it, exactly!

  4. Ha I know just what your saying my husband has a few things in the past that I wore that he did not care for lol!! This is cute...~Love Heather

  5. cute shoes!! Yes, my guy doesnt say much unless I ask him and what he will usually say is "that looks nice" or I liked the other one better... I have trained him well I guess!! lol

  6. Cute outfit and necklace!! My BF just likes me in dresses and will let me know if he likes my hair lol! I might have gone with a solid black sweater but very cute outfit! =)

  7. Those shoes are MY favorite!

    If you're looking for a new knife sharpener for the kitchen, I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog ^_^

  8. I may have to agree will Beefy. I love all these piece, but personally wouldn't wear them together. However that necklace, LOVE! Will you be giving tips on how to make one?

  9. I really like that skirt, actually. And your outfit in general except for the doily necklace, which seems just a tad TOO much lacy-ness with the lace tops.

  10. My man says the same thing! "It's not my favorite" means he doesn't like it, and "I like everything on you" means he's indifferent. Only when I hear "YEAH!" - when he can only utter a monosyllabic word - do I know I have his true approval.

  11. Every time I pop onto your blog you always make me smile- Your outfit is so cute and your fella's response is so...typical! LOL

  12. At least Beefy is not quite as blunt as an ex-boyfriend of mine, who once said to me "My god, you have some ugly trousers."

  13. Love the double lace. My husband asks things like "You're wearing socks with tights?" when he doesn't like what I'm wearing. :)

  14. Funny cause it's my most favorite lately.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Hey I like that skirt !
    How could he not love it ????!!!

  17. Hi Kasmira !!!
    It's been way too long since I commented ;) I like the skirt and if I wore only what R wants me to, I'd live in Levis and flannels with the occasional concert T. Original of course ;)
    About the jacket,(a few posts back) I just thrifted one almost just like it and I saw a giant bunch of multi-colored Rosettes created into a whopping brooch.
    I am making the rosettes tonight, sewing them on a piece of flannel (or something) and pinning my "Bouquet" to the jacket.
    I think your jacket might look all shiny and new with a rosette garden on it. A boob-sage ! I am using multi-colored strips, so I can rock it with a white T, too :)
    U-tube has a great tutorial, and C.Rosebud (i hope she doesn't mind :) is sporting one today.
    Just an idea :)

  18. Guys value "open access." This ensemble screams "do not pass go."


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