
Monday, September 13, 2010

La La La La La La La La La

Beefy insisted that I “pinch” the blimp floating over the Cincinnati skyline. I did it and then told him to stop screwing around and take my outfit photos already. I didn’t want to be late for my first singing lesson.

Jacket, Urban Vibe (swapped and embellished). Dress, I Heart Ronson. Shoes, Steve Madden (I can’t believe I dared walk along this raised barrier in these treacherous heels). Bracelets, Forever 21,, and Shelly Pearls.

I have no aspiration to be on American Idol. (I’m too old anyway.) I simply want to be cast in more musicals. I started tap lessons last fall for that same purpose. Beefy’s been enduring my grocery store tap practice for a year. Now he will also have to put up with my caterwauling.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Those heels may be treacherous, but they're also GORGEOUS.

  2. Singing is JOY. :) I hope you enjoy the lessons!

    Those shoes are to die for. Although not literally, so maybe don't wear them on that barrier again?

    You look great. :)

  3. How wonderful to be singing! I miss choir from school - although I was so shy...

    Love the outfit!

  4. You look great! Break a leg at your lesson! I'm planning to take voice lessons for the same reason. I get cast in the chorus of musicals, mainly because I sing tolerably well and I'm a good dancer, but I'd like to be able to have some more non-chorus parts in musicals. I just saw Billy Elliot and some friends were in Thoroughly Modern Millie, so I've started thinking that more tap lessons wouldn't hurt either...

  5. Those shoes are ridiculously perfect....did you buy them recently?

  6. How cool that you can actually aspire to sing.
    I have no talent in that area. I am so bad, I cannot even sing to myself.

  7. Jayme - I bought them at DSW last month!

  8. Gorgeous shoes, I agree, and love the print on the skirt.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  9. Hehe. I've definitely been known to have impromptu dance practices in grocery aisles. :)

  10. Those shoes are fabulous... dangerous or not :) I hope your singing lessons go well!

  11. I'm with Lorena--all the singing lessons in the world won't turn me into Beyonce. Even the cat leaves the room when I sing.

    Love the bag--what a beautiful color!


  12. Keep on dancing--and in those fabulous heels!

    Give my regards to Beefy's and his terrific photography talent too!

    You look delightful and he captured it perfectly!

    Hugs, Leslie aka MissusSmartyPants!

  13. Keep on dancing--and in those fabulous heels!

    Give my regards to Beefy's and his terrific photography talent too!

    You look delightful and he captured it perfectly!

    Hugs, Leslie aka MissusSmartyPants!


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