
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ice Cold

After I brought this dress home from the thrift store, I stuffed it into the freezer for a few weeks in a fit of bed bug paranoia. Beefy was quite perplexed when he opened the door for ice and found a cocktail dress instead.

This evening, I dug the icy sequins out of the deep freeze for the MTM Halloween Fashion Show.

Jacket, Esley. Dress, Lillie Rubin (thrifted). Tights, Danskin. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Earrings, Pangaea. Clutch, swap.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I'm glad I am not the only one who does that! I got a really cute jacket from a garage sale last month and its been in the freezer since. You just never know. When my bf saw it he suggested spraying instead. He just doesn't get it.

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I have NEVER heard of that!!!!!!!! :D

    I am so getting into the granny shoe (or whatever you call them) trend this year. Dansko (of all places) has an adorable pair I think I might have to get. I love how you're wearing these. I could totally do this.

  3. Very cute!I really love the purse.

  4. Ha! I never would have thought of doing that, but it's probably a good idea for items that are not very washing machine-friendly.

    I love the cocktail dress with your patent heeled oxfords - a nice touch.

  5. I love that dress yay for sequins:)

  6. I love it! It's classy, sophisticated and fun.

  7. Few weeks? I put my new thrift-store hat into a freezer for a week ago and just can't wait when it comes out... How long this treatment should take, you think?

    PS. My hat will be really glad to hear that there is more clothes in freezes somewhere in the world ;) It felt quite lonely beside some salmon filet ;)

  8. I ordered those exact shoes with a squeal of "these are my favourite shoes I have ever seen!" and have still not recovered from the trauma of discovering when they arrived that they did not fit. :(

    You look *amazing*, the jacket really makes it.

  9. It may have been a strange thing to find in the freezer but it looks smoking hot on! Great find!

  10. How fabulous! Great idea for sequins. Love the Oxfords with the dress, and the purple ruffly jacket!

  11. Beautiful outfit ! Beautiful!

  12. Mrs_L - I did some hasty internet research after bringing home that thrift store haul and the theory is that 2 weeks in the freezer is enough. I don't believe this is backed up by hard, scientific data, though. If you can put it in the dryer, I think heat might have more merit than cold for killing bed bugs.

  13. I think heat might have more merit killing my hat as well ;) But thank you for the research!

    Together with the hat I bought a nice checkered dress, I just wasched it and used at once, since it was new, and only spend some days in lokal Salvation Army Store.

  14. I'm not a big fan of sequins but that is one gorgeous dress!

  15. Gorgeous sequin dress!

  16. You look Beautiful.. gorgeous dress and color on you!!

    Why did you put it in the freezer?

  17. Jodi - I heard that the freezer treatment could kill bed bugs. I saw no evidence of bugs...but I was freaked out by a conversation I overheard in the thrift store.

  18. I love this outfit on you. It seems a little bit of a departure from your usual bright look (which I also love) but I think you really suit this gothic look too.

  19. Oh honey!! This is one of my favorites! You look amazing. Of course.... You know I love the sparkle :)

    I have a bright blue sequin dress that I am just waiting on pins and needles to find a reason to wear!


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