
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And Pearls

The (faux) pearl collar on this sweater compels me to accessorize with more (faux) pearls.

Sweater, vintage and stolen from New Gate. Skirt, Parson’s Place (thrifted, vintage, and shortened). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, White Mountain. Belt, thrifted and vintage. Bracelets, Claire’s, Forever 21, and thrifted.

I’ve only worn this sweater twice before. I seem to have trouble pairing it with other things.

Any ideas?


  1. Loving your top. I particularly like today's look - tucked in with extra pearls. Excellent.

  2. I love your sweater! That collar is fantastic. It looks great with gray and brown--I'd say pair it with more of those colors.

  3. The colours in this outfit really mesh well together. I think a white skirt with gold shoes and belt would bring out the background of the pearl neckline and look classy in a titanic old time kind of way. Keep on rockin it Kasmira lovin seeing what you wear :)

  4. Completely adorable! If I had that sweater, I would wear it all the time.

  5. I love this look! It's got a really great retro vibe, without being over the top or costumey. The pairing with the skirt and belt are brilliant. For future pairings, I'd go with full skirts (like this one). Color-wise, the complimentary tones of this skirt are fab (can you tell that I really like today's combo?). It might also look amazing with something contrasting, like teal/aqua.

  6. I like this look! The extra pearls give it some jazz. How about trying the sweater with navy? Olive might be good too!

  7. I think you've done a great job with your pairings. All of the outfits have been really pretty. It's a beautiful sweater.

    Dressing it down a bit would be fun to see, maybe with jeans or cargos, boots, some sort of jacket.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The first picture kind of makes you look like you have pigtails if you look at it quickly. Or I need new glasses. :P

    Maybe a plaid skirt with a jacket. OR don't you have that little lace skirt from Target???

  9. Love the top, great idea to add more pearls.

  10. I actually love the combo as it is. Mary Jane heels would look adorable with it. I think you also have a pair of neutral/white shoes from target (I only know this because I have the same pair!) that would ROCK with that sweater.

  11. ooooh Kasmira, I love the color palette of this ensemble! and that vintage sweater is darling! I love reddish tones with leopard print personally... perhaps that could be a starting off point? ooooh or maybe something lacy to play off of the pearls?

  12. Buddy, I really like this outfit and love faux pearls.

  13. That sweater is a great colour on you so I think you should wear it more often - and it looks fabulous with this skirt too.

  14. How about a green? I keep thinking the same color green as those fabulous boots from miz mooz... and I agree on a fuller skirt with the top...

  15. Love the colors in your outfit...and all those pretty pearls!

  16. You look lovely !
    I absolutely adore this sweater and the pearl necklace.

  17. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I think it would be really cute with some dark skinny jeans and some ballet flats, kind of a modern twist on Audrey Hepburn.

  18. How about underneath a sheath dress? Although it may look a little *too* schoolgirlish, I think, with your looks, it would look smashing.

    Also, what if you wore it with the skirt with the kick pleats in the back?

  19. This look is very polished. I love the coordination of the collar and your accessories and the color with the skirt.

  20. You are the picture of Fall today! Lovely!

  21. I love this outfit! This is definitely my kind of style (pearls and all!).

    Rachael at

  22. I am absolutely in LOVE with the collar on your sweater and it is so perfectly paired with you skirt!


  23. I have a sweater of the same color with a crocheted peter pan collar. It's such a cute look!!


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