
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Dressing to Move

I do not have a job that requires me to be active. I can wear hobbling skirts, crippling heels, and constricting jackets because I sit at a desk all day. Sometimes, though, they let me out of my cubicle to teach people about energy management. Then, I have to dress a bit more sensibly.

Jacket, So (thrifted). Shirt, The Limited. Skirt, Peyton Place (thrifted and shortened). Boots, White Mountain. Necklace, Zad. Brooch, vintage.

I can’t raise my arms in this jacket, so I had to ditch it to demonstrate dynaband exercises to the class.


  1. That's so pretty - I love the mix of muted neutrals with that gorgeous forest green (that's what it looks like, although I see you've labeled it "teal").

  2. Very cute. I have a job where I can wear what I want and not worry about practicality. It is great! You look awesome btw.


  3. Your necklace and top are fantastic separately and even better together. What a great contrast.

  4. Cute!! And what a fun class =)

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I just love this look, oh love it! The perfect colors for fall, makes me think of tea, british tv-series and the university

    (and I like how the purple of the dynaband really works with the colors of the outfit..)

  6. You make practical look fabulous! And that necklace is wonderful.

  7. I love the muted palette and how it is still quite dynamic.

    ummm....what do dynaband exercises have to do with energy management? I am so confused.

  8. One of the basic principles of the program is that you have to create energy, through nutrition and movement, to perform at your best. I demonstrate how to use the dynaband for resistance training as a part of the movement section.


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