
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

November Purchases

This is pretty much my last personal spending report of 2010 because I blew my budget big time in November. Shopping for myself is off limits for December! (With perhaps the exception of a thrifting trip or two.)

We Love Colors
1. Nylon/Lycra Microfiber Solid Color Tights, 3 x $12.50 = $37.50

Infinity Shoes
2. Miz Mooz Amelia boots in green, $199.99

After the boots, I told myself, “No more shopping, this year!” But I did have a thrift date with Reva on the books.

St Vincent de Paul
3. Pants, 99 cents

Finally, I did not intend to buy another thing in November…but I found myself walking the cold length of downtown with no gloves and no pockets. I made an emergency purchase.

TJ Maxx
4. Gloves, $19.99

The terrible total: $258.47

But the boots were SO worth it.


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Cute purchases! I'm so jealous. As an experiment, for 2011, I'm going to limit myself to a budget of $365 for the year, a dollar a day. Nothing but thrift, but I can sell clothes to offset higher costs. Your site has inspired me immensely. Love the layering!

  2. I'm in love with those boots! I looked them up & found different colors, but alas, I have, ehem, wider calves than they'd appear to fit. So I shall keep admiring yours!

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Those boots are totally worth blowing your budget - I love them! That color of green is one of my favorites.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Agreed-- totally worth it!

  5. Love those boots. Totally worth it.


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