
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Lake Effect

Over the last five days, I’ve heard plenty about “the lake effect.” Ask a Lake Michigan resident about the weather forecast and they’ll tell you that they’re expecting 8 – 12 inches or 2 – 3 feet of snow, “but you never can tell. It’s the lake effect, you know.” I used to think that phrase referred to precipitation due to evaporation from the lake, but now I think it just means “be prepared for anything.”

Sweater, Mossimo (thrifted). Cardigan (that bit of yellow), Old Navy. Dress, Jams World (thrifted). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Dan Post. Turtleneck and red gloves, Mossimo. Black gloves (underneath), Dollar General. Necklace, VCLM.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. The Lake Effect is no laughing matter. I live not even a mile away from Lake Michigan (Chicago) and it can be hellish during the winter.

    Also, I think the Lake Effect is a pro wrestler's finishing move. But don't quote me on that.

    Love the boots.

  2. I've lived in Northern Michigan my whole life (well I was born in Dayton, Ohio but only lived there until I was one, so it doesn't really count).... and to me I always get a chuckle out of the Lake Effect Snow. It's still snow! I mean, just because it's "lake effect" doesn't mean it's imaginary. I'm still shoveling it, trudging through it, bundling up to fight it, etc.!
    Looks like you managed to stay warm!
    I love the tights, especially.

  3. I'm a leeeetle jealous of all that snow! I just discovered your blog and I love all your layering, I def do not have the knack for that.


  4. Aw, that is a sweet pic of you guys kissing. :)

    You look fashionable and warm! Lovely outfit!

  5. What a pretty scene..and I know it'll be warmer now ..than let's say..january or later. Shivers!

    Love the sweater! Great Greens too.

  6. These are adorable!

  7. I relocated from SW Michigan to upstate New York... and I miss the lake effect. Its bitter cold and dry here, bone-chilling. I'd rather have warmer, wetter snow.

    Are those tights warm?

  8. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Your ability to layer clothing is amazing. Love the dress and all the beautiful colors.

  9. Hey babes!! sorry I havent been by for a while.. work has gotten in the way of blogging. dontcha just hate that??

    I love the last photo!! and of course, THE KISS photo is ultra cute too.. you look as spunky as ever girly.. keep up the great work, you keep us all going with your color and sparkle!!
    xox J

  10. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Uhm, the kiss is adorable. :)

  11. You look so cute but, these pictures are fantastic! No snow here yet, thank goodness... I'm cold just looking at you

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Your cardiganlayering is beautiful!


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