
Monday, February 28, 2011

Experiment No. 594

I am finally debuting the 40 cent pencil skirt. It was a little snug when I purchased it, but after running 106 miles (and donning a pair of spanx), it fits comfortably.

Jacket, Esley. Top, Moda International. Skirt, Talbot’s (thrifted). Boots, Rampage. Owl pendant/brooch, Gerry’s (thrifted). Bag, Nicole Lee. Gloves, Bebe.

Today’s photo location was the Purple People Bridge, just before sunset.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I really love this outfit - the colours, the awesome skirt (it's a good "bum skirt"), it all works.

    One of your best!

  2. I really love the purples, and pinks together. I've been really into them both lately. I can't believe that skirt was 40 cents, it looks great on you.
    My Heart Blogged

  3. Really great outfit. I love the color combo too.

  4. Love the skirt! What a great thrift store find.

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Wow, the color of your jacket is SO vibrant and pretty! I like it.

  6. skirt looks great!


  7. You can't even buy a lollipop for 40 cents nowadays! I'm very impressed Kasmira once again you prove it's not what you wear, but how you wear it

  8. Oh I love that purse... with that glamorous, Kasmira! xo

  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Love the brights! And damn that's a good deal for a quality skirt.

  10. Cute outfit! Nothing like a slightly snug skirt, trousers or jeans to provide motivation. I buy clothing that's a little snug all the time. It's fun when they finally fit!!! Good work!


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