
Friday, February 18, 2011

My Purrfect Valentine: Roy

If I was Jessica Rabbit yesterday, then I’m Lolita today.

Capsule items (4 of 10):
Cardigan, Wet Seal. Sweater, vintage. Skirt, Mossimo. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target

Accessories (2 of 5):
Bag, Apt 9. Necklace, Victoria’s Secret.

“Free” items:
Tights, Urban Outfitters.

Today’s Valentine:

5 things I love about Roy…
He is handsome
He fetches
He pees in the box (mostly)
He chases the bigger cats
He purrs the loudest

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I love the cardigan - super cute.

    I am from Cincinnati and was thrilled to find your blog yesterday!

    I am homesick and having a blog like yours is the perfect place for me to squelch some of that homesickness :).

  2. You look the sunnies and fab always look awesome!!

  3. I just love it--I can be totally Sybil (multiple personalities) when it comes to dressing also! And I love this look~especially the Iris Apfel glasses....

  4. I love the peter pan collar, and lace skirt.
    My Heart Blogged

  5. I swear, every fashion blogger has that skirt, but you've done some of my favorite stylings of it. And the shoes! The shoes! I'm looking for a pair of flats that look like that now.

  6. I love everything about this look, especially your purse! And your shoes. And... Ok, I love it!


    My Leather Jacket

  7. You're a little bit Jessica Rabbit every day, admit it!

    Roy is a total babe. He looks like my kitty would look if he shaved off his mutton chops. Same creepy/cute James Dean soulful gaze.


  8. Aw, I love seeing all your kitties as your Valentines.

    Great shoes, and love the new haircut!


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