
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Purrfect Valentine: Sammy

Note there is no “business casual” tag on today’s post. I may push the limits of the dress code, but I know today’s outfit is out of bounds.

Capsule items (4 of 10):
Top, swap. Cardigan, Wet Seal. Skirt, Mossimo. Boots, Matisse.

Accessories (2 of 5):
Bag, Apt 9. Necklace, Victoria’s Secret.

“Free” items:
Leggings, Xhilaration.

(Well, I’m not sure if leggings are actually considered “free.” According to the challenge rules, hosiery is “free.” Let’s pretend the leggings are tights.)

I wore this to work from home, as I awaited the meter man.

Today’s Valentine:

5 things I love about Sammy…
He is fluffy
He sucks his thumb
He has an Ewok face
His eyes are golden
He sits on laps


  1. I like this outfit but the cardigan is too casual for my taste. I definitely think leggings count as hosiery. :)

    Aw, Sammy reminds me of my kitty, Othello, who was soft and Ewoky too.

  2. I am absolutely smitten with your outfit today! And the reasons why you love Sammy are hilarious.

  3. Thanks for your well wishes and there are my leggings ;)
    I swear i got a pair for Christmas, but they are buried beneath a heap of clothes!
    Gotta get those babies out!
    Do you find that the season's change before you get to post all the outfit ideas you have? I do ;)
    i must do a purry spring post!

  4. I think sans leggings it could be work appropriate. But, then it wouldn't be nearly as fun. I wish my cats sucked their thumbs. That is adorable.
    My Heart Blogged

  5. This outfit is just sheer fun--Cindi Lauper would be proud! Did it take some courage or did you just go for it and not even think about it? I have left the house thinking, ya, I'm a bit crazy today, and come home saying--oops that was a mistake! Paula

  6. I am probably definitely going to flagrantly steal this entire combo.

    You got your hair done! It looks great -- love the blunt bangs ~ the eyes have it :)

  7. fashionoverfifty - I'm afraid I didn't think twice about today's outfit. The only places I went were to Baba Shwarma (to eat) and the theater, so I wasn't worried about being judged.

  8. I love how you've incorporated those fabulous leopard print leggings into your outfit rather than just giving them all the attention. I must dig mine out.
    Sammy looks a very wise feline. x

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Girl! You are rockin' those bangs!

  10. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I love the combination of colors here. What about this ensemble puts it over the edge of being work appropriate?

  11. Terri - it's just too casual for my office. I can mix in casual elements into my work ensembles, but this outfit is entirely composed of casual pieces.


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