
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rocks and Sky

I’m dressed to match a cool, gray day and the exposed rubble of The Bridge to Nowhere.

Jacket, Odds ‘n Evens (thrifted). Shirt, Mossimo. Skirt, Peyton Place (thrifted and shortened). Tights, We Love Colors. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Earrings, Panagea. Belt, thrifted.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Love the shoes!

    I just ordered 10 pairs of Fishnet tights from We Love Colors. I can't wait for them to get here as I have been in a fishnet mood a lot lately and am going to love going out wearing fishnets in colors other then black.

    I never heard of We Love Colors until I started reading your blog so hopefully I like them. Thanks for pointing me in their direction! I had no idea fishnets came in so many colors!


  2. My favorite shoes and belt, all in one outfit! I just wish Isaac was still designing for Target. Ah well!

  3. One of my favorite outfits you have ever worn! I love the orangey mustard accent, the belt/chain and the skirt, especially. It's vintage-vibed but modern and fresh!

  4. This is such a great outfit. You always think of combinations of color and form that I just wouldn't.
    The color of the blouse with the colors of the skirt are so pretty together. And the dark jacket, tights and shoes make the outfit look so polished and pulled together.

    Another look I'll have to try and copy.

  5. Elizabeth1:39 PM

    Wow, I wish I'd spotted those shoes when they were at Tarjay! Adorable!

    I thought of you yesterday when I discovered that one of my favorite new accessories comes from your home town. Are you familiar with Sweaty Bands headbands? I found them at my running store. They're super chic headbands made for runners and other athletic types. I bought them for my daughters to wear just as headbands, but I caught myself borrowing them to wear for running and pilates.

    Love your blog! Thanks for being so awesome! :)

  6. Elizabeth - I've seen those headbands but haven't ever purchased since I almost always run wearing a hat. They could be useful indoors, though!

  7. You match the setting perfectly. I really like the skirt, and the yellow top.
    My Heart Blogged

  8. I love the combination of that skirt with the chain belt.

  9. for some reason It makes me think of look kinda irish today..LOL and no, I havent been there.. maybe its me who's feeling irish.. okay. long day, i digress.. LOL

  10. I love this skirt!

  11. I love this outfit! That skirt is great and the pop of color in the shirt is perfection :)


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