
Sunday, May 08, 2011


I made a grave error today. I walked into a store called Charming Charlie. That place is like my new crack. I think it’s best described as Forever 21 for grown-ups, with a heavier emphasis on accessories.

Dress worn as a blouse, Tucker for Target. Skirt, thrifted, shortened, and dyed. Belt, H&M. Shoes, Franco Sarto. Bag, Charming Charlie. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration.

I nearly gave myself a seizure, flicking my eyes around the shop. It’s all organized by color (an obsessive compulsive’s dream!). There was an entire table of animal jewelry – mostly owls with a dash of elephants. And everything was inexpensive (Forever 21-like prices). The only thing that saved me from binging on pretty, shiny, sparkly things was the thought of reporting the excesses in my May purchases entry. Shame is a powerful thing.

This bag was the first thing that made my heart go pitter-patter in the store. And I managed to make it the last thing I picked up for purchase. Phew! I’ll be back in June, Charming Charlie!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I went into Charming Charlie this weekend, took one look around, and thought, "This place is going to make a MILLION DOLLARS." Great stuff.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM


    *breathe, breathe*

    I discovered this store on a whim while on vacation in Florida. I went in on a whim and came out 1 hour later after spending $100.

    I regret nothing!

    Good thing they don't have this store near me, or my paycheck would be in danger!

  3. Charming Charlie sounds almost as amazing as you look!

    I have this dress and I have a canary yellow skirt. I will be copying this look. Thank you for always inspiring me!

  4. The bag is bee-yoo-tiful and looks fantastic with your colorful outfit! Just found out there's a Charlie's about 12 miles away, and I love my owls . . .

  5. Crud. Now I'm going to have to see if we have one of those anywhere near me. The last thing I need is a new store obsession! :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  6. I love discovering a great new store! F21 is like crack too!

  7. Just referred you for a gig here in Cincinnati. It's for a fashion blogger -- my friend is partially in charge of it and it's hosted through Q102 and such. Just letting you know!

  8. That's an amazing bag! I love the combination of the dress and skirt. The colors are perfect.

  9. Andersa9 - thanks!

  10. I've heard it's awesome, you have made me regret not buying that blouse.

  11. I think I'm going to be making a trip to this store now. There is one around 20 minutes for me, and that bag is awesome.
    My Heart Blogged

  12. This outfit is stunning, Kasmira! I love the bright color contrast, and the pattern mixing is really inventive. It looks totally current, and very you.

  13. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Charming Charlie's is the devil and I mean that in the nicest way possible...:)

  14. Charming Charlie is totally like crack. It's the perfect place for any and all accessories. I try to limit myself by only going when I 'need' something for a specific outfit.

  15. I love your Tucker for Target with that yellow skirt. Such a pretty pairing. I have a lunch bag in the same print as your new purse!

  16. It must be karma! I noticed this store today in a local shopping area and I did not go in but I did spend a minute looking at the sign and thinking I will have to look into this store later. And here you are talking about it on the same day - I am going back this week!

  17. I love these two pieces together! great color combination!

  18. LYNNETTE9:58 PM

    i actually work at charming charlie. our store just opened today, hanes mall winston salem, nc!! phew we were busy!!!! charming charlie AKA heaven!!! I LOVE MY STORE!!!!!


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