
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fun Times

When our schedules permit, Beefy and I try to make picture time, fun time. I keep a wish list of photo locations on my phone and we reference it for inspiration. Today, we made one of my dreams come true by shooting in an abandoned factory.

Blazer, Focus 2000 (thrifted). Dress, Tucker for Target. Boots, Miz Mooz. Bag, Charming Charlie. Bracelets, Garden of the Gods gift shop and vintage. Watch, Vivani (gift).

Well, it isn’t truly abandoned anymore. It looks as if it’s being rehabbed for a new occupant. We had to be extra stealthy.

P.S. This ensemble was inspired by one of Annie’s outfits in Bridesmaids.

Beefy and I had fun seeing that, too!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Very nice interpretation of the movie outfit! But your boots rock *more* than whatever the actress could be wearing. You look so happy!

  2. Nancy2:57 PM

    Is that the old Hudepohl Brewing tower?

  3. Nope! This is a different part of town...but there is a rumor that the building will be taken over by a brewery!

  4. Kendra6:26 PM

    I have this dress, but every time I try to wear it I feel like a schlumpadinka!!!! I think I need a jacket like yours.....

  5. I agree, those boots are more amazing than what the actress is probably wearing. I also love the color play. So vibrant.

  6. Great setting, and I like your interpretation of the movie outfit. I saw Bridesmaids last weekend too--so funny!

  7. Nancy - I've since learned that this is the American Can Building.


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