
Thursday, May 12, 2011


I’m proud of my super-bargain outfit (nothing more than $25), braiding skillz, and unbeatable balance. (You try prancing around in these heels on a rubble slope.)

Dress, Jovovich-Hawk for Target. Shoes, Fioni. Earrings, Aldo. Bracelets, Epcot Morocco. Bag, Apartment 9.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. that dress is amazing!!!!!!!! I'm so in love with it!

    Your balancing very well. If that were me, I would be bleeding from skinned knees.

  2. I LOVE your hair like that!

  3. Gah!!! Cuter than cute!!!! You are so mod (& so brave on those rocks!).

    Love it!!

  4. I admire your braiding skills as well! You hair is gorgeous!

  5. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hahahaha.....I just saw those dresses go on sale at Target and I swear my first thought was "Oh I bet I'm gonna see a couple of these on WIW2T" :)

    That one is so cute.

  6. Love your hair! And the dress is fabulous!

    14 Shades Of Grey

  7. YOU are adorable in that dress!!!

    I'm so glad you kept your balance! :)

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  8. Your braids are fabulous and so is your sense of balance!

  9. I almost bought both that dress and those shoes! Like them together too!


  10. Seriously, that dress looks way better on you than the ad I saw for it! Great!

  11. Your braided hair is so lovely! I wish I could figure out how to do that.

  12. The dress is pretty-pretty!! From Target, you say? Very good shopping! Props on the balancing too : >

  13. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Love this! Very chic and fun!
    ~northwesterly :D

  14. I love this but where might u wear a dress such as this? No but I just think it is exceptionally gorgeous and styled perfectly.

  15. I might wear it to work with black tights, but it's mostly too short for the office. I'll wear it to casual or evening events.

  16. This is the cutest thing ever! And those are mad braiding skillzzzz

  17. Love love love this dress, hair, shoes, everything!

  18. You look *fantastic* in this dress. Your pix convinced me to disregard the reviews on Target's website panning the dress - and to buy one myself (no "Single White Female" issues, lol, promise! I just find real-life snapshots - without studio lighting, photo shop, and other editorial wizardry - more convincing and reliable when they're flattering). I'm new to your blog and have enjoyed what I've read so far.


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