
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sweaty Sunday - Flying Pig Marathon

Today, I ran my first, full marathon.

How did I do against the goals I shared in February?

1. Finish – check!
2. Run 11 minute miles – a bit slower…more like 12 minute miles
3. Feel good when I’m done – I’d say the pictures speak for themselves!

A behind the scenes look at the jump shoot:

I can jump, but I can’t walk.

Photos from the race:

Thank you to my friends for their support before and during the race! A special thanks to Abby and Tony for watching me finish and Colette for accompanying Beefy on race day. An extra, extra special thanks to Beefy for supporting me during my training and spending his second rainy Pig bouncing around the race course to cheer me on.

My next fitness goal is to run a half marathon in less than 2 hours…maybe even 1 hour 57 minutes. After I recover from this run, I’ll start speed drills, plyometrics, and strength training. I will discontinue regular Sweaty Sunday posts, but I will definitely still be sweating!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Congratulations!!! You're such an inspiration. You make me want to start up running again!

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  3. Congrats....just came across your it!

  4. Woooo! CONGRATS!!!

  5. Congratulations!

  6. Congrats. What an exciting accomplishment. It's been fun to read these posts and a bit guilt inducing, in a good way. You've motivated me to get my butt off the sofa. I hope you keep posting on how and what you are doing to reach your new goal.

  7. Kongratulations, Kasmira!!

  8. Congrats Kasmira!! that is awesome.. great job.. you also look so vibrant and stylish while working out.. you are my hero!! LOL

    you will do sub 2hours no prob for the next one!!!

    hope you celebrated real good!! :)

  9. Congratulations hun!

  10. Turophile7:30 PM

    Way to go! Your fans (including me) are super proud of you!

  11. Congratulations from a fellow finisher! Looks like you had much more energy after the race than I did - either that, or you faked it pretty well. ;) I've really enjoyed your (very stylish!) Sweaty Sunday posts, so I hope you'll keep us updated on breaking that 2-hour half. Great job!

  12. Congratulations! You looked really good doing it. I loved your outfit, especially with the accessory of the name written down your leg. Think you could get away with that for work?

  13. Whoot! Whoot! See...pigs DO fly!

  14. Congratulations! Thanks for the video. It was good to see that you are a little human after all! Best of luck with your next goals, you can do it!

  15. way to go, kasmira! :-)

  16. congrats...if you were that perky at the finish, it looks as if you did all the training right. Did you go to work on Monday? Eat a lot of carbs? I imagine your muscles yelling "feed me" for a few days...

  17. Kate K2:23 AM

    I have to de-lurk to say congratulations!!! What an amazing accomplishment! (And of course you looked absolutely chic doing it :D)

  18. SewOm - it's Tuesday and I still have ink on my legs! I'm covering them with tights, today. I'm hopeful that another exfoliation tomorrow morning will remove the last of it!

    C - I took Monday off. I didn't want to frighten people at the office with my lurching walk. I haven't been as hungry as I thought I'd be. I'm trying to eat a good balance of protein and carbs this week.

  19. I don't know how you did it, but congratulations! I think I would have dropped well before the halfway mark...

    By the way, I love the video!

  20. Congratulations on finishing. So so exciting. Would you have any opposition to passing on whatever training plan you were using. It seems like a good one and I'm hoping to run a marathon next year (assuming this foot injury will ever heal. sigh.)

  21. Paperdoll - I used the marathon's official plan, but modified it a little. I moved some of the long runs around to accommodate my schedule, didn't do the speedwork, and stopped the tempo runs after they got above 8 miles.

  22. congratulations on being awesome! i cannot understand how people run marathons. my college girlfriends all got really into it for a while (they ran one every couple of months! crazy!) and i happily sat out. still, i cried when i would see them cresting a big hill...

    what i mean to say is, i'm impressed. well done :)

  23. Kasmira!
    You were on 1000 Awesome things today!

    How AWESOME is that!

  24. I found your blog after I left the Cincinnati/NKY area, through another style blog that I read and was interested to see that you're also a runner/marathoner, something I am not but decidedly grew up around. Congratulations on finishing and having such fun with it! Jess

  25. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Congrats! You should post your winning playlist. You look great!

  26. I'm so proud of you!!!

  27. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Congratulations on completing the marathon.
    I've had enough energy to just about walk when I've done them, jumping up and down would have finished me so well done.

    What time did you complete it in?

  28. Congratulations! There's nothing like completing your first marathon to give you a sense of empowerment. And having run the Flying Pig myself, I know what an accomplishment it is.

  29. Congrats on completing the marathon! And I can't believe you could still jump after! WOW!

    You are AWESOME...even 1000 Awesome Things thinks so (#253)...but the reason they give is not the most awesome thing about you...your bold sense of style, and bravery you have to share it with the world, AND this marathon....those make you even AWESOMER! :)


  30. Ailen - a reader alerted me to the 1000 Awesome Things picture yesterday. I'm honored to be considered optimistic!

    Anon - I just shuffled all songs on my ipod. Honestly, I'm not sure what played because the rain (and sweat) made it difficult to keep my earbuds in place and I couldn't hear my tunes most of the time.

    Jenny - around 5:02. I still haven't looked up the official time!

  31. Way to go!! The jump video made me laugh and cry all at the same time. OWWWW!!! :)

  32. That's awesome, Kasmira - I am so proud of you! I know how difficult it is to do a marathon, and it is definitely something you will be able to look back on and say, "Yeah, I did it!"

    Re: your earbuds, I snake my cord up the back of my top, then used a bulldog clip (office supplies!) to clip it to the back of my shirt. Even if the buds fall out then, it's still easy to retrieve them.

    You're amazing and a continuous inspiration!

  33. Good for you! This is such a huge accomplishment. Hope you celebrated with something delicious and rewarding. : )

  34. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Well done, Kasmira!!
    I'm a regular reader and just spotted your pic on 1000 Awesome Things. Have you seen it? You're pictured as an "Optimistic Weather Dresser." How fun to see you there!

  35. Congratulations! I just ran my first (4-mile) race last week. Can't IMAGINE doing a marathon. :)

  36. I still can't get over how awesome it is to have two of my favourite blogs collide....

    Not only are you an optimistic weather dresser, but you truly are



  37. WAHOOO!! So excited for you, and so proud! You must have felt amazing. It breaks my heart a little seeing you walk around, you poor thing! Hope your legs are back to normal hehe =)

  38. Congratulations! I didn't look nearly so spry after my marathon. I hope to look as good as you after my second, though.


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